Honor Codes at the University of Michigan

Resource Title:
Honor Codes at the University of Michigan

This page provides links to the Honor Codes and Academic Integrity policies of the various Schools and Colleges at the University of Michigan. Please note that these policies are subject to change at any time. The most up-to-date information can be obtained directly from the school or college (see the contact information at the beginning of each entry).

University Wide

• University of Michigan
• Rackham School of Graduate Studies

Schools and Colleges

• Architecture & Urban Planning • Literature, Science, & the Arts
• Art & Design • Medicine
• Business • Music, Theatre & Dance
• Dentistry • Nursing
• Education • Pharmacy
• Engineering • Public Health
• Information • Public Policy
• Kinesiology • School for Environment and Sustainability
• Law • Social Work


University Wide


Contact Information:
Office of Student Conflict Resolution
600 East Madison St., G121 South Quad
(734) 936-6308
(734) 615-8826 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

Faculty Handbook Section 8.D: University Policies and
Procedures Affecting Students


Contact Information:
Assistant to the Dean and Grievance Officer
1014 Rackham Graduate School
(734) 647-7548
(734) 763-2447 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

Rackham Academic and Professional Integrity

Schools and Colleges

Architecture & Urban Planning

Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
2150 Art & Architecture Building
(734) 936-0238
(734) 763-2322 (fax)

Overview of policies, procedures, degree options,
and courses for the UM architecture program

Stamps School (Art & Design)

Contact Information:
Assistant Dean for Academic Programs and Student Affairs
2055 Art & Architecture Building
(734) 764-0397
(734) 936-0469 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

STAMPS Academic Integrity and Student Conduct


Contact Information:
Director, Academic Services & Financial Aid
W3700 Wyly Hall
(734) 764-2129 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

Ross Community Values


Contact Information:
Assistant Dean for Student Services
1206 Dentistry
(734) 763-3313
(734) 647-6805 (fax)

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
1210 Dentistry
(734) 763-5651
(734) 764-8046 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

Faculty Handbook Section 8.D: University Policies and
Procedures Affecting Students


Contact Information:
Office of Student Affairs
1228 SEB
(734) 615-1528
(734) 647-9158 (fax)

Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs
1110 SEB
(734) 615-4415
(734) 764-3473 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

Faculty Handbook Section 8.D: University Policies and
Procedures Affecting Students


Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
1261 Lurie Engineering Center
(734) 647-7150
(734) 647-7126 (fax)


College of Engineering Honor Code Administration
273 Chrysler Center
(734) 615-8438
[email protected]

Relevant Resources:



Contact Information:
Office of the Dean
(734) 647-3576
4322 North Quad

Office of Student Affairs
(734) 763-2285
3360 North Quad


Contact Information:
Director of Student Services
3745 Kinesiology Building
(734) 764-4472
(734) 936-1925 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

School of Kinesiology Office of Student Affairs


Contact Information:
Assistant Dean of Students and Special Counsel for Professional Skills Development
301 Hutchins Hall
(734) 764-0516
(734) 936-1973 (fax)

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
311 Hutchins Hall
(734) 615-0019
(734) 647-5226 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

Law School Standards of Conduct and Commentary

Language, Science, and the Arts (LSA)

Contact Information:
Office of Student Academic Affairs
1255 Angell Hall
(734) 764-7297
(734) 647-5577 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

LSA Academic Integrity


Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Medical Student Education
3808 Medical Science Building II
1137 Catherine Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5808

Relevant Resources:

Medical School Honor Code (from 2014)

Music, Theatre & Dance

Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
2277 School of Music
(734) 764-0590
(734) 763-5097 (fax)

Office of Admissions and Student Services
2290 School of Music
(734) 764-0593
(734) 763-5097 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

Code of Conduct and Academic Policies

School of Music, Theatre & Dance Manual of Procedures for Dealing with Infractions of the Code of Academic Conduct


Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Room 1174, 400 North Ingalls Building
(734) 764-7188
(734) 647-1419 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

School of Nursing Handbooks 

Undergraduate Handbook (Chapter 4: Academic Rules, Policies and Procedures)


Contact Information:
The Office of Student Conflict Resolution
G121 South Quad, 600 East Madison
(734) 936-6308
fax (734) 615-8826

Relevant Resources:

Pharmacy & Pharmacology: Academic Integrity at UM

Public Health

Contact Information:
Director of Academic Affairs
1700 SPH1 (Office of Academic Affairs)
(734) 764-5425
(734) 763-5455 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

School of Public Health Student Academic Conduct Statement and Procedures

Public Policy

Contact Information:
Assistant to the Dean
Office of Admissions, Academic Services & Programs
440 Lorch Hall
(734) 764-0453
(734) 763-9181 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

School of Public Policy Academic and Professional Integrity

School for Environment and Sustainability

Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
1024 Dana (Office of Academic Programs)
(734) 764-6453
(734) 615-1277 (fax)

Relevant Resources:

SEAS Faculty Handbook Section 8.D: University Policies and Procedures Affecting Students  

SEAS Academic and Professional Integrity

Social Work

Contact Information:
Master's students with questions, contact: Assistant Dean of Student Services
1748 School of Social Work Building (Office of Student Services)
(734) 764-3309, ext.0
(734) 936-1961 (fax)

Faculty with questions, contact: Associate Dean
4700 School of Social Work Building
(734) 764-5340
(fax available upon request)

Relevant Resources:
MSW Student Guide: Academic Misconduct

MSW Student Guide: The Academic Concerns Committee