University Wide
Contact Information:
Office of Student Conflict Resolution
600 East Madison St., G121 South Quad
(734) 936-6308
(734) 615-8826 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
Faculty Handbook Section 8.D: University Policies and
Procedures Affecting Students
Contact Information:
Assistant to the Dean and Grievance Officer
1014 Rackham Graduate School
(734) 647-7548
(734) 763-2447 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
Rackham Academic and Professional Integrity
Schools and Colleges
Architecture & Urban Planning
Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
2150 Art & Architecture Building
(734) 936-0238
(734) 763-2322 (fax)
Overview of policies, procedures, degree options,
and courses for the UM architecture program
Stamps School (Art & Design)
Contact Information:
Assistant Dean for Academic Programs and Student Affairs
2055 Art & Architecture Building
(734) 764-0397
(734) 936-0469 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
STAMPS Academic Integrity and Student Conduct
Contact Information:
Director, Academic Services & Financial Aid
W3700 Wyly Hall
(734) 764-2129 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
Ross Community Values
Contact Information:
Assistant Dean for Student Services
1206 Dentistry
(734) 763-3313
(734) 647-6805 (fax)
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
1210 Dentistry
(734) 763-5651
(734) 764-8046 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
Faculty Handbook Section 8.D: University Policies and
Procedures Affecting Students
Contact Information:
Office of Student Affairs
1228 SEB
(734) 615-1528
(734) 647-9158 (fax)
Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs
1110 SEB
(734) 615-4415
(734) 764-3473 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
Faculty Handbook Section 8.D: University Policies and
Procedures Affecting Students
Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
1261 Lurie Engineering Center
(734) 647-7150
(734) 647-7126 (fax)
College of Engineering Honor Code Administration
273 Chrysler Center
(734) 615-8438
Relevant Resources:
Contact Information:
Office of the Dean
(734) 647-3576
4322 North Quad
Office of Student Affairs
(734) 763-2285
3360 North Quad
Contact Information:
Director of Student Services
3745 Kinesiology Building
(734) 764-4472
(734) 936-1925 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
School of Kinesiology Office of Student Affairs
Contact Information:
Assistant Dean of Students and Special Counsel for Professional Skills Development
301 Hutchins Hall
(734) 764-0516
(734) 936-1973 (fax)
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
311 Hutchins Hall
(734) 615-0019
(734) 647-5226 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
Law School Standards of Conduct and Commentary
Language, Science, and the Arts (LSA)
Contact Information:
Office of Student Academic Affairs
1255 Angell Hall
(734) 764-7297
(734) 647-5577 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
LSA Academic Integrity
Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Medical Student Education
3808 Medical Science Building II
1137 Catherine Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5808
Relevant Resources:
Medical School Honor Code (from 2014)
Music, Theatre & Dance
Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
2277 School of Music
(734) 764-0590
(734) 763-5097 (fax)
Office of Admissions and Student Services
2290 School of Music
(734) 764-0593
(734) 763-5097 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
Code of Conduct and Academic Policies
School of Music, Theatre & Dance Manual of Procedures for Dealing with Infractions of the Code of Academic Conduct
Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Room 1174, 400 North Ingalls Building
(734) 764-7188
(734) 647-1419 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
School of Nursing Handbooks
Undergraduate Handbook (Chapter 4: Academic Rules, Policies and Procedures)
Contact Information:
The Office of Student Conflict Resolution
G121 South Quad, 600 East Madison
(734) 936-6308
fax (734) 615-8826
Relevant Resources:
Pharmacy & Pharmacology: Academic Integrity at UM
Public Health
Contact Information:
Director of Academic Affairs
1700 SPH1 (Office of Academic Affairs)
(734) 764-5425
(734) 763-5455 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
School of Public Health Student Academic Conduct Statement and Procedures
Public Policy
Contact Information:
Assistant to the Dean
Office of Admissions, Academic Services & Programs
440 Lorch Hall
(734) 764-0453
(734) 763-9181 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
School of Public Policy Academic and Professional Integrity
School for Environment and Sustainability
Contact Information:
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
1024 Dana (Office of Academic Programs)
(734) 764-6453
(734) 615-1277 (fax)
Relevant Resources:
SEAS Faculty Handbook Section 8.D: University Policies and Procedures Affecting Students
SEAS Academic and Professional Integrity
Social Work
Contact Information:
Master's students with questions, contact: Assistant Dean of Student Services
1748 School of Social Work Building (Office of Student Services)
(734) 764-3309, ext.0
(734) 936-1961 (fax)
Faculty with questions, contact: Associate Dean
4700 School of Social Work Building
(734) 764-5340
(fax available upon request)
Relevant Resources:
MSW Student Guide: Academic Misconduct
MSW Student Guide: The Academic Concerns Committee