Resources: General
Eight Tips for Teaching Presentations from Mary-Catherine Harrison, Associate Professor of English at University of Detroit Mercy.
How To Give a Teaching Demonstration from The Professor Is In.
Teaching Demonstrations: Advice and Strategies from Vanderbilt University.
Teach Like You Mean It: advice on preparing a teaching demonstration from Inside Higher Ed.
The Teaching Demonstration: What Faculty Expect and How to Prepare for This Aspect of the Job Interview. A study of biology faculty members' expectations of teaching demonstrations.
Valuing and Evaluating Teaching in Academic Hiring: A Multidisciplinary, Cross-Institutional Study. Describes a research study on faculty practices around evaluating teaching during hiring.
Designing an Effective Teaching Demonstration. Slides from a 2015 PFF workshop that present research on the frequency at which teaching demonstrations are requested by search committees and offer strategies for designing an effective one. Presented by Mary Wright (CRLT).
Resources: Pedagogy
How Can You Incorporate Active Learning Into Your Classroom? A summary of methods, ranging from simple to complex, for incorporating active learning into your classroom or teaching demonstration.
Classroom Assessment Techniques. A summary of methods for quickly assessing your students' learning in classrooms or teaching demonstrations.
Strategies for Inclusive Teaching. A summary of methods for creating an inclusive classroom or teaching demonstration.
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