If you’d like to learn more about what academic jobs entail, and whether you’d like to pursue one, try Investigating Academic Jobs. There you will learn about the tenure track process and faculty worklife. See what it’s like to work at different types of institutions. Explore faculty jobs off the tenure track or non-faculty jobs.
Faculty life is not singular. The balance among research, teaching, and service varies significantly by institutional type: expectations at research-focused institutions are often quite different from those at teaching-oriented colleges, and faculty at two-year institutions may have…
Teaching, research, conferences, giving talks, classroom prep, administrative tasks... how do faculty members really spend their time? Learn about faculty members' working hours and days with the resources here.
What Do College Professors Do All Day? This blog post summarizes a study…
Unsure about whether a faculty job is a good fit for you? You have options! Many PhDs go on to find career satisfaction in non-academic or alt-ac jobs. These resources present some possibilities for non-faculty jobs, including strategies for non-academic job searches.
Defining Terms. Alt…
According to the AAUP, “non-tenure-track positions of all types now account for 76 percent of all instructional staff appointments in American higher education.” What kinds of work do faculty do in such roles? What are some of the benefits and challenges of pursuing a faculty career off the tenure…
Are you curious what exactly is in a tenure file, how it’s assembled and reviewed, and how a new tenure-track faculty member can set a course for success? Learn about what it means to be on the tenure track, how a decision will be made to tenure a faculty member or not, and what graduate students…