Teaching, research, conferences, giving talks, classroom prep, administrative tasks... how do faculty members really spend their time? Learn about faculty members' working hours and days with the resources here.
What Do College Professors Do All Day? This blog post summarizes a study that assessed how college professors use their time.
The Work Time of Professionals. This document summarizes research from the article, "The work-home crunch" by Kathleen Gerson and Jerry Jacobs (2004), among others, and puts some numbers to the question of hours worked by profession.
Some Lesser-Known Truths About Academia. This article describes critical aspects of academic life that graduate students and faculty must cope with.
The Importance of Teaching at the University of Michigan. Describes the results of a study done on U-M faculty members' experience with teaching at U-M. CRLT Occasional Paper No. 28.
The Role of Service in Academic Life. This description of the role of service for faculty members is excerpted from Faculty Service Roles and the Scholarship of Engagement by Kelly Ward (ERIC Digests, 2003).
Selected Readings on The Academic Job Search and New Faculty Success. These resources, all available from the U-M library system, offer portraits of what it takes to succeed as a faculty member.
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