Engaging Students in Learning: Videos

As you watch, keep in mind the reflection prompt and take note of relevant information for your written response. Enjoy the videos!

  1. Applying disciplinary concepts and critically analyzing current events using a blog (Scott Moore)


  1. Practicing critical thinking skills using Google Docs (Orie Shafer)


  1. Interactive lecture notes, clickers in lectures and labs, pre-lab lessons, and screen captures with Jing (Brenda Gunderson)

Professor Gunderson engages students in her STATS350 course with a variety of techniques in and out of the classroom. She describes her use of technology to support student engagement in a series of short videos. Watch all five clips - the total time is under 12 minutes. 





  1. Engaging students in large classes with interactive lectures (Deborah Ball)



What's next? 

Please post your reflection at this link.