What's It Like to Work Where There's a Teaching-Research Balance?

Resource Title:
What's It Like to Work Where There's a Teaching-Research Balance?

Online Resources about Master’s Institutions and Job Searches

American Association of University Professors, Eastern Michigan University Chapter.(2006-2010). Contract between EMU and the EMU AAUP.

To get a sense of job responsibilities and tenure schedules at one nearby comprehensive university, this labor contract offers a helpful perspective.

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Basic Classification Description.

Defines “master’s institutions” and presents a list of such colleges and universities across the U.S. This site is also helpful for gaining information about individual master’s institutions, with background information such as enrollment and general program type.

Olwell, R. (2011, March 25). Career Advice: Where the Action Is. Inside Higher Ed.

This piece describes why R1 PhDs should consider faculty jobs at regional public universities, and how to impress search committees at those institutions. The author is a faculty member at Eastern Michigan University.

Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL). (2008). The 2008 CIRTL Forum podcasts: Comprehensive regional universities breakout sessions.

Targeted toward STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) job-seekers, this site houses .mp3 recordings of two panels who discuss what master’s institutions are looking for in new faculty.

Henderson, B.B. (2006). Teaching at the people's university: An introduction to the state comprehensive university. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

This book is addressed to new faculty members at SCUs (State Comprehensive Universities).  It focuses on the differences between SCUs and research universities, strengths and challenges of working in such institutions, and advice for constructing a rewarding faculty career.  If you do not wish to purchase the book, Bruce Henderson’s remarks on scholarly work in SCUs can be found online at: http://uwf.edu/cutla/miniconference_10-03-08.cfm

Higher Education Recruitment Consortium.

Find jobs at local master’s institutions, such as Eastern Michigan University, Grand Valley State University, and the University of Michigan, Flint, through this job listing site.