
Funded Projects
Lecturers' Professional Development Fund (LPDF)
Project Title Overview of the Project
Landmark works for piano solo and chamber works by Taiwanese Composers - Jiang Wenye to present
Amy I-Lin Cheng
Music, Theatre & Dance
Music, Theatre & Dance


The project, Landmark works for piano solo and chamber works by Taiwanese Composers - from Jiang Wenye to present, aims to bring to light the under-represented yet significant works by these important composers from Taiwan. The project will explore the dynamic cultural and historic background of their lives and how they impacted their compositions. The project will culminate in lecture-recital, which aims to bring their works to public awareness and enrich the existing repertoire for piano and solo chamber music.
Participation in American Society of Engineering Educators Annual Conference
Robin Fowler
Engineering - Technical Communication


I am requesting funds to support my travel to and participation in the 2022 annual conference of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), the largest engineering education conference. I anticipate presenting at this conference, and I will have a business meeting the day following the conference (I am program chair-elect of a division, meaning I will serve in a helping capacity organizing this conference and in a senior leadership role for the 2023 conference.)
Attendance at the 2022 College Art Association (CAA) Conference
Sascha Crasnow
LSA - Residential College


I am requesting funds to support my travel to and participation in the 2022 annual conference of the College Art Association (CAA), which is the major conference in the field of art history. My paper “Can the Master’s Tools Be Remade?: Nour Ballout’s Queer Muslim Archive” has already been accepted to the panel "The Racialized Figure in Islamic Art and Visual Culture”. The funds will cover the costs of admission to the conference, a roundtrip train ticket, organizational membership, three nights in a hotel in Chicago, and the purchase of books related to my research and teaching at the book fair.
Using NVivo in Qualitative Research
Shuwen Li
LSA - Sweetland Center for Writing


In the realm of rhetoric, ethos has been conceptualized several times. For Plato and Isocrates, ethos is embodied in a speaker; the speaker needs to develop upright character to gain trust from audience. For Aristotle, the medium (the speech) that conveys a speaker’s character is more important. For Roman rhetoricians like Cicero, ethos is more like a theatrical mask that makes authorial presence accessible. Ethos has been equated with credibility, with rationality as the focus. However, contemporary rhetoricians expand the meaning of ethos to a place: Michael Halloran argues that ethos is a “habitual gathering place,” Nedra Reynolds considers ethos as communities that are socially constructed, Michael Hyde describes ethos as the discourse where people can discuss some matters together, and Thomas Rickert conceptualizes ethos as a dwelling place where people can gather and flourish together. This project examines the concept of ethos as a dwelling place in two sets of data. The researcher will use the qualitative software NVivo to elicit patterns and offer thick interpretations using existing theories; in return, results from this project can enrich understanding of ethos and provide insights into teaching writing.
Attendance at the Society for American Archaeology 2022 Meeting
Howard Tsai
LSA - International and Comparative Studies
LSA - Latin American and Caribbean Studies


Funding is requested to attend the 2022 Society for American Archaeology (SAA) annual meeting in Chicago, March 30-April 3. SAA is the largest organization of archaeologists in the
Americas; more than 5000 archaeologists have attended the 2021 online meeting. For the 2022 meeting I have been invited to present my research in a session titled “Borderlands of the Andes: Peoples, Polities, and Pasts of the Chaupiyunga and Selva Alta.” In addition, I will attend sessions focused on the incorporation of 3D technology in teaching the history and archaeology of Latin America.
Cybersonic Outreach - audio album release
Mark Kirschenmann
Music, Theatre & Dance
LSA - Residential College


For decades I’ve been electrifying the trumpet with pedals, plugins and MIDI. I recently completed the album Cybersonic Outreach (8 Comprovisations for Processed Trumpet). I’ve accepted an offer from the NYC record label New Focus Recording to release the recording internationally, which includes distribution through the acclaimed Naxos Music Group. The Naxos distribution will bring my music to a wider audience than has been previously possible.

At the School of Music, there is an increasing emphasis on entrepreneurship and career development for our students. The funding of this project, to include physical CD, downloadable files, streaming formats, audio mastering, album art and music video, would enable me to take my students inside these processes step-by-step, including the negotiation of a contractual agreement with New Focus and Naxos. However, prior to the release of the completed album, there are myriad details in continuous mediation, including the album art, liner notes and audio mastering, all of which I have overseen myself. It’s critically important for my students to understand that the ideation, creation and recording of the music are but the initial steps in a series of processes, many of which are business related.

The release of this recording will further enable me to share with my students the artistic processes at the core of the work, including improvisation, composition, recording/engineering and mixing. In particular, I’ll be able to recreate and demonstrate my approach to interfacing the trumpet with digital and analog technology, which is uniquely my own.
Use of iPad for Virtual and in-person Language Class
Shubhangi Dabak
LSA - Germanic Languages and Literatures
LSA - Germanic Languages and Literatures


I would like to use the LPDF funding to purchase an iPad and an Apple pen to use in classroom for teaching undergraduate German classes (German 231 and 232). This technology has proved very effective since it is a great visual aid for students of foreign language. Used along with apps such as GoodNotes, I am able to write into documents, highlight them and share my in-class notes with the students. This technology is effective in virtual as well as in-person classes.

Team Wristband
Elizabeth Goodenough
LSA - Residential College


I seek funding to support graduate student and/or work study assistance to develop and promote Team Wristband. This adaptation of a Michigan Quarterly Review novelette dramatizes power, politics, dehumanization, and abuse. Directly after four March 2020 performances at Keene Theater, a panel of experts across the fields of Public Health, Theater, Social Work, Psychiatry, and Creative Writing will open a conversation with audience members to encourage dialogue and to survey campus and community resources. Post-production research offers an interdisciplinary opportunity to move mental health out of the shadows and into the light of accessibility.
Students (undergraduate and graduate) will play a vital role in launching this adaptation- -from pre and post-production research, design, and theatrical participation, to videography and reflection on shared experiences. This project’s synthesis of fiction, theater, and public health--informed by medical research, mental health professionals, and individuals impacted by the devastation of mental illness and its treatments--could generate new ways to frame and interpret critical issues.
Funding would contribute to the costs of creating a community-building event with the larger goal of enabling it to reach a wider audience beyond University of Michigan, such as the Big Ten Theatre Exchange. Producing this event enables me to build important relationships with researchers, advocates, and writers whose lives and work inform my teaching and scholarship: RCHUMS Children Under Fire 337-001, Narratives of Sustainability ENVIRON 337 (Fall 2019), Growing Up Near the Great Lakes RCIDIV 351 (Winter 2019) each focus on representing trauma in children and young adults.
Marking Modern Movement: Dance and Gender in the Visual Imagery of the Weimar Republic
Susan Funkenstein
Art & Design


I am seeking funding to assist in the costs of the subvention and indexer for my book, which is under contract and scheduled for publication by the University of Michigan Press in Summer 2020.
This book project explores how the engagement across art, dance, and visual culture in Weimar Germany (1918-1933) resulted in depictions that often challenged long-held models of objectifying the female body. Artists, dancers, and magazine editors came to know each other’s work well, and in the process, strict binaries of self and other dissipated. Explorations of gender across numerous art movements, dance styles, and mass-distributed magazines illuminated complex relationships through parallel experiences of making, identification coupled with desire, and shared aesthetic, cultural, and social concerns. Together, art, dance, and mass culture addressed assumed gendered roles in ways that disrupted and questioned historical structures of power and meaning yet also acknowledged skepticism of true change.

Continued in Project Objectives...
Theatre Improvisation for Teaching
Mar Freire Hermida
LSA - Romance Languages and Literatures


From July 29th to August 2nd 2020 the school Academia Iria Flavia, specialized in pedagogical courses for teachers of Spanish as a foreign language, is offering a Theatre Improvisation. I am particularly interested in this course because the objectives of the class will help support my role as coordinator of Spanish 280 -Conversation through Spanish/ Latin American Film-. These objectives, as per Iria Flavia’s website, include improving oral expression, listening comprehension and fluency. Spanish 280 aims to help students achieve those same goals.

In the last couple of years, I have been working on standardizing language instruction with the support of a Gilbert Whitaker Grant for the Improvement of Teaching. In this project I have been unable to address the need for clear oral delivery (clear pronunciation and appropriate intonation) in a hands-on dynamic way. My main goal in taking this course is to learn about theatrical technique to explore the possibility of adapting their method to our conversation course and potentially create materials for all sections to use.
Advanced Course in Professional Practice in Architecture
Irene Hwang
Architecture and Urban Planning


With the rise of the internet, social media, and streaming content, the presence of architectural thinking and making is now far more accessible and available than ever, in history. The overall level of visual, design literacy has risen with the interest in—and consumption of—architectural ideas and concepts at massive levels. Yet, as the prevalence of tv shows (HGTV), print media (Dwell), and digital media (Design Home game app) dedicated to the design and construction of built space have exploded in popularity, the population of new students coming to architectural education has not exhibited a similar boom. What this means to me, is that even as greater and greater numbers of people are able to participate in architectural design, it’s unclear if the general public is able to benefit from a more robust understanding of architectural concepts and techniques; they seem to be only enjoying a small sliver of what architecture is.

To better understand and counteract this truncated understanding of the discipline, as well as provide updated and advanced content for the existing professional practice curriculum, I hope to use LPDF funding to develop some insights into how we might counteract the continued status of architecture and architectural education as elite and outside of daily life.

Following the advancement of research, the principal activity supported by LPDF funding will be to develop the syllabus and content for an advanced course in professional practice that would ask students to devise new models of architectural practice and theorize new professional pathways in winter 2021. For this majority phase, I will apply LPDF funding to support the hire of two graduate students, one per semester, who will work to consolidate research and assist with the development of course topics, structure, and format.
Participation in the 2019 American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings


I am applying for funding to participate in the American Anthropological Association’s annual conference in Vancouver. At the conference, I will present a paper entitled, “Making (Non)sense of Göreme: The Heritage of the Other” as part of a panel on ownership and recognition in global heritage regimes. This presentation provides an opportunity for me to explore a topic of future research, gain feedback from peers, network with scholars working on similar issues, and practice public speaking and presentation skills important to my work as a lecturer. Additionally, by attending panels on Reproductive Injustice, Masculinity in the Middle East, and New Insights in the Study of Sex and Gender, I can ensure that my Childbirth and Culture, Anthropology of the Near East, and Introduction to Anthropology courses are exposing Michigan students to the most up-to-date scholarship. Finally, in Vancouver I will participate in a workshop focused on marketing a background in Anthropology for careers in industry. My interest in this workshop comes not from a desire to make a change in my own career path, but from a commitment to addressing my students’ concerns about the value of a liberal arts education, and an Anthropology degree in particular. By participating in this workshop, I will be better able to assist my students in translating an Anthropology degree into a set of skills, knowledge, and experiences that are valuable in any job market.
Visualizing Women's Work
Melanie Manos
Art & Design
Art & Design


Visualizing Women’s Work is a research based multi-media public art project highlighting the radical gender-bias of historic visual markers in public settings. Funding will support the training in and development of augmented reality content, code and in-the-field AR trials. The goal of Visualizing Women’s Work is to make evident the legions of women whose labor (paid and unpaid) is most often invisible and absent from historical record. Further, Visualizing Women’s Work questions the representation of heroism as defined by pedestal-style monuments, which perpetuate authoritarian/patriarchal/hierarchical value structures and preference select individuals - most often white men. Training in AR would greatly increase my skill set in digital media toward a goal of teaching AR at Stamps, as well as integrating into my existing course pedagogy. I teach Studio 4D (time-based media), Making Images with Photoshop and Illustrator, and the engagement course Detroit Connections: In the Classroom. I see great opportunities for student-developed projects utilizing AR, including community-based projects with 4th graders at Bennett Elementary School, Detroit, with whom my Detroit Connections class partners.
Electro-Acoustic Percussion Composition, Recording, and Performance Project
Jeremy Edwards
Music, Theatre & Dance


I am requesting funding in support of a 12 month electro-acoustic music composition, performance and recording project. The acquisition of the Sensory Percussions System, a new technology for integrating electronics and percussion instruments through the use of sensors, would allow me to develop new skills in the area of composition, sound design, interactive systems design and explore new aesthetic territory as a musician. I plan to use the funds to purchase a set of Sensory Percussion drum sensors, special silent drum heads for use with the sensors, and to fund the production of an electro-acoustic percussion CD of new original works. The project will be divided into five phases: technological and aesthetic research, composition and interactive system programming and design, practice/rehearsal and system iteration, recording and post-production work, and a public artist talk and live performance of the developed works. At the end of the project I intend to make the hardware purchased through the grant available to the Performing Arts Technology (PAT) department for use in relevant performance courses and for students to use in their own original work. Both of the 200 level courses that I teach in PAT contain projects in live performance with electronics and PAT 432, a course in studio production, focuses on advanced techniques in recording, mixing, and mastering. The experience and knowledge gained through this project will directly inform the teaching in my current courses and has the potential to open up new opportunities to expand my role within the department.
Learning From Adaptive Reuse Architecture in Detroit
De Peter Yi
Architecture and Urban Planning


I am applying for funding to support my research and teaching on adaptive reuse architecture. Specifically, the funding will go towards hiring and mentoring a student researcher, as well as producing an exhibition of the research output at the 555 Arts Gallery in Detroit in spring 2020. Adaptive reuse architecture touches on many key issues facing the built environment today, including urban identity, equitable development, and sustainable material use. These issues have a magnified presence in Detroit, where there is currently a large number of pre-existing building stock waiting to be renovated and repurposed. Over many trips to Detroit, I engaged with a diverse range of organizations working on adaptive reuse projects throughout the city, including a non-profit arts group that is currently renovating a former tobacco warehouse in Poletown. My research spans the site’s history of industrial use, neglect, and resurgence, tracing the private and public initiatives that have shaped Detroit’s urban fabric. My goal is to bridge between topics that are prevalent in architecture academia with community stakeholders working on adaptive reuse projects that could make use of this knowledge. The exhibition of my research in the form of drawings, maps, and models at 555 Arts Gallery will further communicate this shared knowledge to not only the university community but also a larger audience in Detroit. Ultimately, this work will continue to support my expertise and teaching in adaptive reuse architecture and provide my students with the opportunity to engage real world challenges in their own studies.
Participation in ASEE Annual Conference
Robin Fowler
Engineering - Technical Communication
Engineering - Engineering Other


I am requesting funds to support my travel to and participation in the 2020 annual conference of the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), the largest engineering education conference. I anticipate presenting at this conference (abstract submissions will be reviewed in late Fall; final paper acceptance won’t come until ~March 2020).
Teaching TAs To Teach: Strategies for TA Training
Andrew DeOrio
Engineering - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


This proposal supports my attendance at the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) conference in Portland, Oregon. I plan to be a panelist on the topic of training teaching assistants. As Computer Science course enrollments have grown, there has been a necessary increase in the number of undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants (TAs, and UTAs). TA duties often extend far beyond grading, including designing and leading lab or recitation sections, holding office hours and creating assignments. Though advanced students, TAs need proper pedagogical training to be the most effective in their roles. Training strategies have widely varied from no training at all, to semester-long prep courses. We will explore the challenges of TA training across both large and small departments.
CASC-Global Program: Presentation at Social Work Education and Social Development Conference
Amber Williams
Social Work


The following proposal is a request for funding to attend World Conference on Social Work Education and Social Development. Within my role as the Assistant Director and Adjunct Faculty for the Community Action and Social Change Undergraduate Minor program, I am requesting funding in order to participate in a global social work convening of educators, and share curricular efforts within the CASC Minor program. Attending the conference would allow me to engage social work faculty in an international context, learn more about global curricular efforts in undergraduate social work education, and share lessons learned from a global academic program piloted by the CASC Minor and Global Activities program.
In collaboration with the School of Social Work Global Activities Office (OGA), the minor developed an undergraduate global independent study program. With a faculty liaison (which included my role as faculty and staff), selected CASC students, participated in community development work as a part of the Madras Christian College (MCC) field action program in Chennai, India for four weeks. The program focused on principles of community participation at the intersection of indigeneity and rural development by working within the community along with faculty, community organizers, and students at the college. Attending the conference would allow me to share lessons learned from the partnership as well as the newly established global curriculum designed for undergraduate students exploring the field of social work. Specific curricular objectives of the presentation would include four curricular themes including: (a) exploring context by examining south Indian history, politics and culture, (b) engaging community practice through a global comparative lens, (c) establishing a critical reflective praxis through critical consciousness and identity reflection, and (d) macro social work implications.
Material Research: Building with Temporal Materialities
Elizabeth Galvez
Architecture and Urban Planning


This proposal seeks funding in the amount of $2,000 to support a material research project. The project examines applicable uses for building with temporal materialities within the fields of architectural fabrication and construction practices. In today’s construction sequence, we generate vast amounts of building material waste, incurred both through acts of construction and demolition, which go to our landfills. Learning from conceptual artworks that explore the act of material entropy, such as Robert Smithson’s Partially Buried Woodshed, this research project explores potentials for ‘softer and more temporal’ architectural materialities. The research will focus on deploying of a series of material samples composed of a single ‘temporal materiality’ including: ice, wax, sand, gravel, fabrics, and plant matters. The research will explore potential uses for both construction and disposal of such materialities, including small-scale explorations into processes for panelization or aggregation to enclose architectural space, the duration of such architectural enclosures, and lastly the disintegration or entropy of such materials after a built space has satisfied its necessary use. The project’s findings will be disseminated primarily through video format on my professional website. Additionally, material samples, in their original forms and at various stages of decay will be displayed at a gallery space; the location is yet to be determined. Importantly, the research findings would be beneficial in advancing the curriculum for two courses relating to ‘temporal materialities’ and their time-based relationships to the Earth which I teach at Taubman College.
Participation in the 2020 ASEE Conference
Laura Alford
Engineering - Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Engineering - Engineering Other


This proposal is for attendance and participation in the 2020 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference. I have two papers planned for this conference: an examination of the performance trends and perceptions of students in Engr 101, EECS 183, and EECS 280 vs. the students’ use of the personalized service ECoach; and an investigation into the relationship between students’ rating of themselves and teammates’ ratings of them on teamwork using the team support tool, Tandem. The annual ASEE conference is the premiere national conference for those people researching and implementing best practices in engineering education. U-M typically has a strong presence at this conference. My participation in ASEE 2020 will continue to enhance our reputation as a leader in the engineering education field.

The paper presentations at ASEE are an excellent way to learn about new trends in student performances and on creating equitable and inclusive classes and learning environments. ASEE is an excellent networking opportunity. I teach two first-year engineering courses (Engr 100 and Engr 101), and there will be many other people that teach similar courses with whom I can trade trade experiences and ideas. It is so incredibly helpful to talk with people who have first-hand knowledge of what does and does not work in their classes.

ASEE also offers many panels each year with a variety of themes. Two outstanding panels from past years were “Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching” and “Title Women Leading STEM: Successfully Managing the Challenges and Opportunities.”
Attendance and Participation at the 2020 AWP Writers Conference
Jeremiah Chamberlin
LSA - English Language and Literature


I am requesting funding to attend the 2020 AWP Conference, which will take place from March 4-7 in San Antonio, Texas. The AWP conference has been invaluable for my work as both a writer and a teacher, and attendance at this year’s event would enrich my professional development in many ways. In particular, the last several courses that I have developed for the English Department—both in their initial conception and in my continued work to revise and improve them—have been deeply influenced by the presentations and panels that I’ve attended during the last several AWP conferences. And as I continue to develop new courses for the department, I would love to have the opportunity to take advantage of the resources that AWP offers its participants. Similarly, in my role as the Editor-in-Chief of Fiction Writers Review, an online literary journal whose mission is to promote and support emerging writers, attending the conference bookfair would be an important opportunity to connect with contributors to the journal, as well as to meet new potential writers. This not only benefits my work as an editor, but also my work on this campus: over the last ten years, I’ve offered publishing internships to undergraduates through the department of English, as well as editorial internships to Zell Fellows in their third year of the MFA program. As such, participating in this conference would contribute to my professional development on many levels—as a writer, teacher, editor, and literary citizen.
The Sharing Economy: Architecture's Role in the Future of Collective Life & Work
Jacob Comerci
Architecture and Urban Planning


This proposal seeks funding in the amount of $2000.00 from the Lecturers’ Professional Development Fund (LPDF) to support my William Muschenheim design fellowship project at U of M’s Alfred A. Taubman College of Architecture. The research and design project, which will take place over the course of 5 months, investigates architecture’s role within the sharing economy; particularly as it relates to co-working and co-living. The fellowship project will culminate in a widely circulated public exhibition featuring architectural models, videos and drawings, to be held at the Taubman College Gallery during the last week of March, 2020.
2020 Latin American Studies Association Congress and Mexico research


I seek funding for travel to Guadalajara, Mexico, to attend the 2020 LASA meeting and present a paper on “Ediciones Vigía and the Aesthetics of Translation in Cuban Culture,” as part of a double panel on the history and creation of the Cuban publishing cooperative’s handmade books. On this trip I aim to accomplish three goals: 1. The exchange of ideas with fellow presenters and audience members at our double panel will sharpen my thoughts and writing for an article on translation and culture in Cuba that I am preparing. 2. Interacting with international scholars of Latin America will benefit my teaching directly. LASA is the most important international organization of scholars on the Latin American region, which is the primary focus of half of my courses and a secondary focus for the rest. Whenever I attend LASA meetings I gather new scholarship and stories which I use to update my lectures, class discussion notes, and AV materials. 3. The conference location in north-central Mexico will allow me to conduct some short-term fieldwork in Guadalajara and, if possible, in my original doctoral dissertation field site (4 hours northeast of the city, by bus). The primary purpose of this short-term research will be to gather people’s impressions (and to form my own) regarding Mexico’s dramatically changing political and social climate, under a new president and party and in the Trump era, which I will then incorporate into my classes on Latin America and Mexico.
Collaborative language learning at ACTFL


I would like to request the Lecturer’s Professional Development Fund in order to attend a national conference in Washington, D.C. called ACTFL, the American Council of Teaching Foreign Languages, in November 2019. I will be presenting at the conference about collaborative language learning in a communicative, flipped context. The presentation is about a specific course in the Romance Language Department, Spanish 231. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of how collaborative language learning activities affected student perceptions of their engagement and self-efficacy in a flipped language learning classroom in higher education. The new online platforms accompanying many textbooks now allow students to prepare for classes ahead of time, allowing instructors to use more class time for student engagement in actual language practices. However, there has been little investigation of the effects of this flipped classroom model on students’ learning processes and outcomes. I would also like to attend this conference as part of an attempt to expand this scholarship and teaching to other courses within our department.
Middle East Studies Association Conference Presentation: “Subverting Narratives of Occupation in Science Fiction: Larissa Sansour’s Nation Estate and In the Future They Ate From the Finest Porcelain”
Sascha Crasnow
LSA - Residential College


I am applying for funding to attend the Middle East Studies Association annual conference in New Orleans, LA November 14-17, 2019. I will be presenting my paper “Subverting Narratives of Occupation in Science Fiction: Larissa Sansour’s Nation Estate and In the Future They Ate From the Finest Porcelain” at this conference alongside scholars of art and design history of the Middle East and North Africa, a relatively young field of which I am a part. A number of my courses directly relate to the paper topic: Palestinian Art, Art & Conflict of the Modern Middle East, and Art & Resistance: Global Responses to Oppression (all of which carry the course number RCHUMS 334 and which are frequently listed as meets-with courses in Arab American Studies, Islamic Studies, and Art History). Attending this conference will aid in my professional development in two crucial ways. First, after the conference the paper will be expanded for publication in a special issue journal about science fiction in modern and contemporary Middle Eastern and North African art based on the panelists’ papers. Secondly, the discussions generated at the conference are ones that I will bring into the classroom with my students in the courses mentioned above (two of which I will be teaching this academic year). Ultimately, I also plan to teach a course on science fiction across the arts in, attending this conference, both my panel and those that address the genre of science fiction across other media, will be instrumental.