
Funded Projects
Lecturers' Professional Development Fund (LPDF)
Project Title Overview of the Project
Safe Passage- Camino Seguro - Guatemala City Garbage Dump Community Education Program Volunteer
Nina O'Connor
LSA - Romance Languages and Literatures


Safe Passage/Camino Seguro is a non-profit in Guatemala which helps children and families, living in the community surrounding the Guatemala City garbage dump, break out of poverty in a dignified and permanent way through education. Safe Passage offers educational programming and psychosocial emotional support services to 550 students, ages 4-high school. (

My primary goal at Safe Passage is to prepare a future Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates in 2021. Given that I will be responsible for a group of UM students, I want to ensure students’ safety, establish what work students will be doing, figure out the cost of living, possible cultural events and excursions, etc. I will work directly with the Volunteer Coordinator to put together a proposal for this GIEU.

From June 1-19, 2020, I will serve as a volunteer. I will collaborate with teachers and assist in the classrooms, providing support and training for both students and teachers. I will:
- Serve as a teacher for students and adult literacy/Creamos students
- Assist and mentor our lead teachers in middle school and high school programs
- Create and implement creative classroom lessons, working to promote the development of critical thinking skills
- Carryout other classroom duties as assigned

As I am a non-native speaker Spanish Lecturer, immersion in the language and culture is essential to my professional development. I will bring both my linguistic and cultural advancements directly back to the classroom.
College Book Arts Association conference attendance
Toby Millman
LSA - Residential College


I am requesting funds to attend the annual College Book Arts Association (CBAA) conference, to be held between January 2 – 5, 2020 in New Orleans, LA.

The College Book Art Association is a non-profit organization fundamentally committed to the teaching of book arts at the college and university level, while supporting such education at all levels, concerned with both the practice and the analysis of the medium. The theme of this year’s conference is “Intersections.”

By attending this conference, I hope to expand my understanding of contemporary approaches to integrating book arts into the studio art courses I teach at the Residential College. I teach two sections of Drawing and two sections of Printmaking each academic year. Book Arts is an expansive field that includes both these disciplines, as well as bookbinding, paper construction, sequential image development, photography, self-publishing and the written word. CBAA is an immersive conference that broaches each of these topics, offering a range of options for participants to choose sessions that most align with their interests.
Learning From Adaptive Reuse Architecture in Detroit
De Peter Yi
Architecture and Urban Planning


I am applying for funding to support my research and teaching on adaptive reuse architecture. Specifically, the funding will go towards hiring and mentoring a student researcher, as well as producing an exhibition of the research output at the 555 Arts Gallery in Detroit in spring 2020. Adaptive reuse architecture touches on many key issues facing the built environment today, including urban identity, equitable development, and sustainable material use. These issues have a magnified presence in Detroit, where there is currently a large number of pre-existing building stock waiting to be renovated and repurposed. Over many trips to Detroit, I engaged with a diverse range of organizations working on adaptive reuse projects throughout the city, including a non-profit arts group that is currently renovating a former tobacco warehouse in Poletown. My research spans the site’s history of industrial use, neglect, and resurgence, tracing the private and public initiatives that have shaped Detroit’s urban fabric. My goal is to bridge between topics that are prevalent in architecture academia with community stakeholders working on adaptive reuse projects that could make use of this knowledge. The exhibition of my research in the form of drawings, maps, and models at 555 Arts Gallery will further communicate this shared knowledge to not only the university community but also a larger audience in Detroit. Ultimately, this work will continue to support my expertise and teaching in adaptive reuse architecture and provide my students with the opportunity to engage real world challenges in their own studies.
Attendance at SIGCSE 2019 Conference
John Kloosterman
Engineering - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


This grant will be used for attending the SIGCSE 2019 conference, the premier computer science education research conference. As a lecturer for one of the University of Michigan's large introductory computer science courses, the research-based teaching methods I will bring back from the sessions and the ideas I will exchange with computer science instructors from our peer institutions have the potential to impact a significant fraction of University of Michigan students.
Participation at the 2018 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Langauges (ACTFL) Conference
Ryan Hendrickson
LSA - Romance Languages and Literatures


This proposal seeks funding to present the following methodology that I have been developing and using in the beginning level French courses over the past year. Receiving feedback from attendees as well as connecting with new colleagues from other institutions will help to strengthen this and other assignments used in the courses that I coordinate.

Using Technology to Promote Real Language Use in Authentic Situations

Traditionally, students' speaking proficiency is assessed at the presenter's institution through an end-of-semester conversation in front of the instructor with a partner from their own class section. This leads to inauthentic conversations, as students know one another and can practice. This poster highlights the use of a program, Bluejeans, to pair students from different sections and record their conversation. Since students do not have any information on their partner before the conversation and recording begins the instant both students enter the virtual classroom, students are held responsible for meeting and finding commonalities exclusively in the target language. Initial feedback from students after the pilot semester was that they will remember this experience above all others in their first semester French course, as it showed them what they had accomplished. Additionally, not having the instructor present at the time of recording promoted natural and real conversation.
Architecture and Embodied Cognition - 2019 Swiss Congress of Art Historians Presentation
Steven Lauritano
Architecture and Urban Planning


I am applying for funding to support my participation in the Swiss Congress of Art Historians in Mendrisio, Switzerland from 6-8 June, 2019. This annual conference brings together an international cohort of scholars to present research and discuss methodological challenges currently faced by the disciplines of art and architectural history. The format is unique in that the organizers assemble multi-lingual panels (with contributions in Italian, French, German and English) in hopes of diversifying the approach to each topic. I have been invited to present as part of a panel on “Architecture and Embodied Cognition.” Building off contemporary advances in cognitive science, this panel will re-examine the work of Heinrich Wölfflin, an art historian recognized for his pioneering study of the “Psychology of Architecture” (1886) and for developing an architectural theory of empathy. My own contribution involves research on the small-scale objects that act as intermediaries between perceiving subjects and their architectural surroundings. Participation in this congress will enable me to make connections across an international academic network and offer an opportunity to receive feedback on my research before its anticipated publication in a scholarly journal. I hope to use this experience to lay the groundwork for a future graduate seminar on “Architecture, Empathy, and Cognition.” More broadly, attending the conference will help me to further enrich and diversify the content of ARCH 313 – History of Architecture I, a course I hope to continue reinventing as a vital component in the undergraduate architecture curriculum.
Attendance at the 2019 International Literacy Association (ILA) Conference


I am seeking $2000 in financial support for attending the 2019 International Literacy Association (ILA) conference. The funds would cover the costs of admission to the conference, roundtrip airfare, and four nights in a hotel room. Being able to attend this conference will support my work with students and colleagues in the School of Education because there have been many changes in the field of literacy instruction in the last half-decade that are impacting what we consider "best practices." Participating in this conference could help me in numerous ways. I could better speak to interns about what they are seeing and hearing in schools, support them as we co-plan and debrief after their lessons, and alert them to changes we can anticipate them encountering as they move into the profession and cutting edge research begins connecting with school practice; I could ensure I am teaching the most current theory and practice, both at the elementary school level and at the teacher education level; I could better work with colleagues because I will be “on the same page” with tenured faculty who get to regularly attend this conference. I am confident that my proposal fits the grant’s spirit—“to acknowledge the many contributions of Lecturers and to provide them with access to funds beyond those ordinarily available”—because I am notably active in the Teacher Education program, but the school does not have funding for the professional development of lecturers.
Participation in the 2018 American Anthropological Association Conference


I am applying for funding to participate in the American Anthropological Association’s 2018 conference in San Jose, CA. While there, I will present a paper titled, “Depressed Housewives and Sleep-Deprived Moms: Gender, Sex, and ‘Medically Unexplained Illness’ in the United States,” on a panel titled, “Responding to Epidemics, Infectious Disease, and Unexplained Illness: The Contributions of Ethnographic Inquiry,” for which I am the session chair. My participation in this conference will offer me a range of professional development opportunities. First, I will receive important feedback on a topic that forms that basis of an upper-level seminar I teach called, “Gender and Contested Illness.” This feedback, along with information gleaned from fellow panelists’ papers, will help to ensure that my lesson plans for this course are as current and relevant as possible. I will also be able to meet and build intellectual relationships with fellow scholars with whom I hope to collaborate in the future and whose work will inform my teaching and scholarship. Finally, the conference will provide a valuable public speaking opportunity that will further enhance my competency as a lecturer.
Material Assembly
Laida Aguirre
Architecture and Urban Planning


This proposal seeks funding to support 5 months of research and professional training in the field of advanced digital fabrication techniques and sustainable material innovation. More specifically, the funding will support participation in the yearly Greenbuild International Conference and Expo taking place in Chicago, Illinois as well the hiring of a student lab assistant to aid in the early stages of a material investigation. Greenbuild is one of the premier forums for the presentation of sustainable technological advances and research results in the fields of architecture and construction that brings together leading Engineers, Architects and Scientists. This conference is particularly important for this project as it shares with it the importance of thoughtful implementations and ethical design solutions. My participation in this conference will be crucial in expanding my knowledge into the current and potential uses of rubber as an innovative material in architecture. From a material as well as financial departure point, this project explores the material-methodological potentials of removable weatherproofing for architectural elements/goods to allow for their possible return/reuse. More specifically, researching the capacities of rubber to aid in the process of protecting materials during temporary uses until they can be reused for different purposes or returned to manufacturers. The larger ambition for this endeavor is to integrate my own professional development into the pedagogy of architectural education and provide an intellectual and practical basis for future courses at the Taubman School of Architecture.
Brittany Utting
Architecture and Urban Planning


The proposal WORK-PLAY-LEARN will fund a two semester long research project, culminating in a public exhibition, that investigates the relationship between labor, precarity, and pedagogy within architectural production. The public exhibition, February 11-28, 2019 at the Taubman College Gallery, will display the research of a series of workshops I am hosting Fall 2018 and Winter 2019 as part of the Taubman College Equity Innovation project ‘Tactical Pedagogies: Rethinking Architectural Labor through the Studio Model.’ The content of the exhibition will be twofold: revealing the socio-political terrains within spaces of labor, and reframing how architectural pedagogy enforces patterns of exploitation and exclusion within practice. Only by understanding how our built environment overlays with economies of labor, leisure, and production can we rethink the way we teach and learn about architecture. The funding will be used for the materials, construction expenses, and labor costs of the exhibition and also be used to produce a freely-distributed pamphlet of the research that can broaden the reach of the project to the student body, particularly beyond Taubman College. The goal of the exhibition is to encourage students and faculty to both understand potential sources of exploitation and instrumentalize new spaces for empowerment within the design disciplines. By increasing awareness of the relationship between architecture, politics, and cultural production, the students / future architects will be empowered to leverage the unique values of design as they enter practice, creating a more equitable future for architects.
Participation in the 9th Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference
Troy Wymore
LSA - Chemistry


This proposal seeks funding in the amount of $2,000 from the LLPDF to support my research and teaching efforts in computational (bio)chemistry. Specifically, the funding would support attendance at the 9th Molecular Quantum Mechanics Conference to take place June 30th-July 5th, 2019 in Heidelberg, Germany. The conference will be on general subjects in theoretical chemistry but with an emphasis on wave function theory. All together almost 70 oral presentations, including four historic lectures, will be delivered and two poster sessions will be held.

Continued in project objectives
Behind the Scaffolding: a podcast about the hows and whys of teaching writing: insights, practical ideas, and philosophies from writing teachers at the University of Michigan


My podcast, Behind the Scaffolding, will explore the practicalities and philosophies of writing instruction at the University of Michigan. Each monthly episode will feature the innovative perspectives and insights of a U of M writing teacher about a perennial teaching issue or concern. Conversations with other teachers about both the everyday nuts and bolts of teaching and their governing teaching philosophies have been among my most fruitful moments of professional development, and producing this podcast would benefit me enormously by giving me "deep dive" access into minds of my fellow lecturers about an array of teaching topics and concerns. I'll also be supplementing each episode with research (scholarly articles, other resources) that speaks to the issues I discuss on each episode. I expect to learn as much from this research as I hope my listeners will. I also hope for my podcast to serve students: my primary audience of writing instructors might well listen on their own, for helpful insights and practical ideas, but they might also play portions of our episodes for their own classes as a way to demystify some of the common practices of writing instruction that aren't immediately transparent to our students. My primary and most immediate intention in making Behind the Scaffolding is to create a community-building resource for myself and my writing teacher colleagues; however, should the podcast eventually reach a broader audience, I would be thrilled to see it showcase the excellent pedagogical work of my lecturer colleagues here at the U-M.
Participation in Archaeological Fieldwork at the Olynthos Project
David Stone
LSA - Classical Studies


I am applying for financial support to carry out archaeological research in Greece in July and August of 2019. This research will further my professional development as an archaeologist, and will enhance my role as a Lecturer at the University of Michigan as I interact with UM students participating in my research project, and as I develop lectures and courses for the Department of Classical Studies. The grant will cover travel and living expenses for one month in Summer 2019 while I participate in the Olynthos Project, a multi-disciplinary investigation aimed at understanding the ancient city of Olynthos. On an average day, I will work with several Michigan students to collect and analyze data that will further our understanding of the extent, date, and spatial patterning of this ancient city. Specific skills I will teach the students include fieldwalking methods, ceramic analysis, database management, and Geographic Information Systems. Participation in the Project will advance the educational and research missions of the University of Michigan and the Department of Classical Studies in which I teach.
Attendance and paper presentations at an international academic conference (Computational Complexity Conference) in New Brunswick, NJ
Ilya Volkovich


I am requesting funds for travel to the international annual Computational Complexity Conference (CCC) held in New Brunswick, NJ in July 2019 and hosted by Rutgers University. The funds will be utilized for the attendance of the conferences for even greater exposure to international experts and the opportunity to exchange ideas.
As one of the top tier conferences in theoretical computer science, CCC aims to foster research in all areas of computational complexity theory and will broaden my exposure to different experts. CCC seeks to promote research in the theory of computation by presenting new and original research papers as well as raising important problems that can benefit from theoretical investigation and analysis.
For the upcoming conference, I plan to submit an article which is an outcome of a joint work with two undergraduate students. (We also plan to apply for traveling funds for the students in a separate process). Upon selection of our submission, we would also contribute to this ground-breaking conference of leaders in theoretical computer science. In addition, the content of the conferences is strongly aligned with the classes I am and will continue teaching (Foundations of Computer Science, Discrete Math, Algorithms etc). Listening to the latest innovations in theoretical computer science would ensure that I could relay these concepts to my students to increase students’ interest and expand the department’s strength at UM. My attendance would also further my contribution to an on-going project to increase awareness of theoretical computer science education on campus.
Book and Paper Intensive Workshop
Toby Millman
LSA - Residential College


To attend workshops at the annual two-week Paper and Book Intensive (PBI), which is being held in May 2019 in Saugatuck, MI at Ox-Bow School of Art. The series of workshops offered by PBI will expand my skills in the field of book arts, which I will incorporate into my own art practice as a printmaker and book artist, as well as integrate into the drawing and printmaking courses I teach in the Creative Arts program at the Residential College. Book Arts is an expansive field that includes bookbinding, paper construction, printmaking, sequential image development and the written word. PBI is an immersive series of workshops that broach each of these topics, offering a range of options for participants to choose those that most align with their interests.

Analysis of Reflective Writing in Computable Textbooks
Chris Teplovs


This proposal seeks funding to attend and, ideally, present my work at an annual, international conference called JupyterCon. This conference has a history of attracting a diverse set of participants including programmers, data scientists, business analysts, researchers, educators, hackers, and community leaders.

Reviewing the abstracts from last year’s conference has provided inspiration for my own teaching with Jupyter. For example, this semester I have provided my students with a leading-edge user interface to their notebooks that enhances their experience with their computable textbooks. I expect that attending JupyterCon 2019 in person will be a further source of inspiration for me to incorporate leading-edge techniques and technology in my own teaching.
Attending the upcoming conference represents my first attempt as a Lecturer to become part of an international community, ideally by presenting my work and receiving feedback on it. At the very minimum, my students (approximately 150 graduate students and 100 undergraduate students) will benefit from me learning more about Jupyter and joining a community of practice around the use of Jupyter notebooks in teaching data science.

Teaching Spanish through Hispanic movies and literature.
Carla Iglesias Garrido
LSA - Romance Languages and Literatures


I want to gain some new insights into how I could incorporate Hispanic movies and Literature into the curriculum of a future Spanish 280 Conversation class. This proposal seeks funds to attend a 40 hour course entitled “De la literatura al cine en el aula de ELE ”, which roughly translates as “From Literature to Movies in the ELE Classroom” that will take place at the Centro Universitario CIESE-Comillas (Santander, Spain).
This course is designed for teachers who wish to know how to make literature and movies a part of the ELE classroom in an effective way. There will be a special emphasis on popular genres (such as noir or fantastic) but also on movie adaptations of written works. Attendees will learn about the main periods in Hispanic Literature and Cinema as well as the main genres and their effective implementation in the ELE classroom.
“‘You Have to Act…’: An Intersection of Teaching, Mothering, and Activism.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2019. (Accepted Proposal)
April Conway
LSA - Sweetland Center for Writing


I have been accepted to present at the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), the flagship conference for rhetoric and writing. The theme of the conference is “Performance-Composition, Performance-Rhetoric” and is chaired by Vershawn Ashanti Young. In my teaching, I enact a labor contract as a form of anti-racist writing assessment. My labor contract is influenced by Young and other writing scholars. At CCCC, I will learn more about overlapping topics of interest (code-meshing, intercultural communication, and representations of race) from the framework Young has established for the 2019 conference. Thus, by attending CCCC I seek to bolster my research-based teaching by learning more about evolving theories of how performance shapes embodied understandings of language and literacy.

My CCCC presentation, “‘You Have to Act’: An Intersection of Teaching, Mothering, and Activism,” investigates how academic mothers balance numerous labor commitments, including activism, by incorporating community-based learning into their teaching. My participation with this panel continues a research project on motherhood and activism that I began last year. Presenting on the panel also offers an opportunity to develop future collaborations with fellow panelists and attendees who teach community-based learning courses and who want to advocate for more supportive working environments for mothers.

By attending CCCC, not only will I share my own knowledge production, but I will also learn from the numerous panels and special-interest groups in area clusters related to my research and teaching interests: First-year and Advanced Composition; Language; Community, Civic & Public; and Writing Pedagogies and Processes.

Conference for Catalan Instructors who teach Catalan around the world


I am writing to request funds to attend the 33es Jornades Internacionals per a Professors de Català (International Conference for Catalan Professors), an annual conference to bring together all Catalan professors who teach Catalan language and culture in universities all over the world. The conference is organized by the Institute Ramon Llull, a Catalan organization created by the governments of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, to promote Catalan language and culture around the world. As the only Catalan instructor at the University of Michigan, attending the conference is a unique opportunity for me to meet colleagues from the field, learn and exchange about new and innovative pedagogical ideas and gather new teaching materials to implement in our growing program. Since Fall 2017, the Catalan program has grown from 1 course to 3 courses and currently the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures has a Catalan sequence that offers classes at the upper 200-level, 300-level and 400-level to our undergraduate students. Attending the 33rd Jornades Internacionals per a Professors de Català is a great professional development opportunity for me that would have a direct impact and benefit to the RLL Department Catalan program. Being able to attend will give me the opportunity to strengthen the current classes and develop new materials for the newer classes that have recently been created.
Character Dance Curriculum
Bohuslava Jelinkova
Music, Theatre & Dance


Character Dance is a stylization of folklore steps and dances, mostly from Eastern Europe. These dances are widely used in nineteenth century ballet. Examples are the Polish mazurka, Hungarian czardas, and Spanish dance from Tschaikovsky’s Swan Lake; and there are many more. These stylized versions combine ballet technique with folk techniques. Dancers can dance with partners, or alone, and occasionally use clapping, or even instruments, such as castanets. Character Dance is, then, essential for serious ballet students. Plus, with its requirements of a strong technique and stamina, combined with the freedom and rhythmic nature of its folk elements, it is a strong tool for developing musicality in all dancers. Classes in the United States, however, are rare, and good teachers are hard to find.

I would like to deepen my knowledge of Character Dance methodology through study with Elena Ovchinnikova, Ph.D., teacher of Character Dance at the Kirov Academy in Washington, D.C. A native Russian, Dr. Ovchinnikova is a leading teacher in this field. After meeting one another in 2016 while training together for the American Ballet Theatre National Curriculum, she has enthusiastically agreed to provide me with one-on-one sessions during a five-day period in August, 2019, in which we would study this methodology in detail, both theoretically and by dancing the steps. This work will hone my skills, answer my questions, and clear up any misconceptions that I have, thus deepening my own teaching of Character Dance, and opening doors for future planned projects at U-M and beyond.
Society for Photographic Education annual conference
Isaac Wingfield
LSA - Residential College


This proposal seeks funding to support my attendance at the Society for Photographic Education (SPE) annual conference in March 2019. SPE is the largest and most prominent organization dedicated specifically to photographic education. I am presenting at this conference on my research and teaching practice emanating from a socially engaged photography course and accompanying prison workshops. I developed and taught this course over the past three years, and will be presenting on the course itself, socially engaged collaboration in an academic setting, and the images resulting from past workshops.
Attendance and Panel Presentations at the 2019 AWP Writers Conference
Jeremiah Chamberlin
LSA - English Language and Literature


I am requesting funding to attend the 2019 AWP Conference, which will take place from March 27th to 31st in Portland, Oregon. In addition to participating in the conference, I will also be chairing two panel presentations: “Imagined Research, Researched Imagination” and “Getting Beyond 3%: International Literature and US Literary Culture.” The former panel, which will feature talks by Natalie Bakopoulos, Adrianne Kalfopoulou, Aisha Sabatini Sloan, and Arianne Zwartjes, explores the relationship between imagination and fact in the genre of creative nonfiction. Both my English 325 (The Art and Craft of Creative Nonfiction) and English 425 (Immersion Writing) courses relate directly to this topic. The latter panel brings together prominent publishers, editors, and directors of literary nonprofits to discuss the importance, politics, and methods of bringing diversity to reading markets across the US, which intersects with material I teach in several of my literature courses (English 290, 298, and 362). The AWP conference has been invaluable for my work as both a writer and a teacher, and attendance at this year’s event would enrich my professional development in many ways, as I hope my proposal outlines. In particular, the last several courses that I have developed for the English Department—both in their initial conception and in my continued work to revise and improve them—have been deeply influenced by the presentations and panels that I’ve attended during the last several AWP conferences.
Biographers International Conference Attendance


I am a creative nonfiction writer teaching the Art of the Essay for the English Department Writing Program and I have spent the past two years writing a book-length essay about my broke-back northern Appalachia hometown braided with the biography of the cosmopolitan Revolutionary War-era woman for whom it is named. My previous published writing grapples predominantly with the politics of place, and this book is consistent with that theme. Biography, however, is a new branch of nonfiction for me. Thus, I am seeking to attend this conference in order to learn from other practitioners of the genre and to meet potential publishers.
As for teaching, once this book is complete, I will propose an EDWP topics course in Auto/Biography. On an institutional level, creative nonfiction is an area in which the department is actively seeking to increase and diversify its offerings. This conference will expand my own expertise and successful publication of this book will increase my credentials so that I may better contribute to this effort.
Superflat Frit: Cross Disciplinary Research In Print Making & Graphic Applications In Building Panels
Jeffrey Halstead
Architecture and Urban Planning


This proposal will encompass a 6-month long cross disciplinary research project between the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and the Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design (both at the University of Michigan). The goal of the research will focus on printmaking techniques (native to the art discipline) and a contemporary take on façade glazing frit patterns (native to the architecture discipline).
Now more than ever, architecture and images are wedded to one another. As images proliferate our daily capitalist culture, architecture has been able to absorb these social conditions rather quickly. This research proposal wants to further interrogate the marriage between the tectonics of the image and tectonics of the architectural surface in a contemporary setting (borrowing concept of high luster finishes from the art and design disciplines).
The research would materialize at the end of the project as an accessible online resource, a series of 2’ by 2’ glass or polymer panel studies, and a small exhibition (location TBD) featuring architects and artists. Most importantly, the research would culminate in either a seminar class or a workshop to be offered to students in both Colleges.
Using 3D Modeling and Printing for Teaching Archaeology and Ancient History
Howard Tsai
LSA - Latin American and Caribbean Studies


Funding is requested for the development of a collaborative project connecting 3D technology with archaeology. After working with the UM 3D Lab in scanning and printing museum artifacts, I propose to establish a network link with the Virtual Curation Laboratory (VCL) at the Virginia Commonwealth University. This is a one-of-a-kind laboratory dedicated to 3D technology in archaeology. The objectives of my project are (1) to learn the technology and methodology used by Dr. Means in his 3D lab; (2) to understand their application of 3D modeling, scanning, and printing to research and teaching in archaeology; (3) to connect our UM 3D Lab with VCL to facilitate a free flow of ideas and methods; and (4) to formulate models of incorporating this technology to teaching by developing 3D lesson modules.