
Funded Projects
Instructional Development Fund (IDF)
Project Title Overview of the Project
Enhancing Application of Health Behavior Change throughout the Dental Hygiene Curriculum
Anne Gwozdek
Janet Kinney
Dina Korte


The goal of this project is to enhance integration of Motivational Interviewing (MI) within the Dental Hygiene Program's curriculum through student application during patient care. Attainment of this goal will continue to facilitate students' abilities to translate MI content learned in the classroom to clinical applications. The use of digital audio recorders will allow students to record their patient interactions, providing a means for self-assessment and faculty evaluation/feedback.
Travel to Buenos Aires to research performance practices, dance pedagogy and attend performances, rehearsals and lectures.
Amy Chavasse
Music, Theatre & Dance


This application seeks funding from CRLT to support a research trip to Buenos Aires, August 2-10, 2014 to study innovations in performance, composition and dance pedagogy. I will engage in practice-based research while studying, attending and observing classes with Professors of Dance and Theater, Luciana Acuña and Luis Biasotto. They are also co-Artistic Directors of Grupo Krapp, an internationally recognized group of dance, theater and music artists in Buenos Aires, and professors at the Universitario Nacional de Arte. Through this immersive experience-- participating, observing, writing about, documenting, (video and written, I will build dynamically upon my work and research, expanding my teaching modalities and methods here in the courses I teach-- Creative Process, Performance Improvisation, Senior Seminar, Advanced Dance Technique. My dedication to international travel, teaching, performance and research during the summer has infused by teaching practice in important and myriad ways.
App Maker Faire


In order to prepare preservice teachers to help K-12 students develop grit and 21st century skills such as innovation, collaboration and problem-solving, they will be participating in an app-maker faire in their EDUC 444 course during Spring/Summer 2015. They will be asked to identify a problem in K-12 teaching and learning, and then develop an app to help solve that problem. The app will be published and they will be able to use the app with K-12 students and/or teachers. The funds from this grant will cover the costs of the needed software for developing the apps and publishing them to iTunes and Google Play Stores.
Enhancing presentation skills of health policy MPH students
Daniel Eisenberg
Public Health


The purpose of this grant is to help fund an activity that will enhance students' presentation skills in the "capstone" course for our Masters of Public Health (MPH) students who are interested in health policy careers. If this pilot proves to be successful (as indicated by student feedback and the instructor's observations), we will seek to implement this exercise on a more substantial scale in our masters programs. We will bring in Patricia Russo from the Ross School of Business—she trains MBA students in the art of effective presentations, and comes highly recommended by colleagues at the university. She will be reviewing the videorecordings of 5-7 minute presentations by each of the 21 students in the course, and she will then give feedback to each student about their strengths and opportunities for improvement. She will also deliver a one hour lecture two weeks prior to the presentations, to help students prepare for the presentations. Finally, she will conduct a one-hour debriefing two weeks after the presentations, to discuss general themes in her feedback and opportunities for continued improvement.
Anne Frank Tree Exhibit


In this experiential learning project, students in Dutch/Judaic 351 Anne Frank in Context visit the Anne Frank Tree Exhibit at the Detroit Holocaust Memorial Center. They will be in the presence of a sapling of the chestnut tree that Frank watched from her Amsterdam hiding place and described in her Diary. Afterward they will have a conversation with a Holocaust survivor. The combined experience builds a bridge to a far away time and place, and makes an unimaginable form of discrimination and persecution tangible and real to students.
Rubik's Cubes in Mathematics 412


I am requesting $500.- to supplement Mathematics 412, which I am teaching in Fall 2014, with Rubik's cubes (and possibly additional puzzles) for the students to teach concepts of group theory.
HyFlex Statistics Computer Lab with R


Effective for the Spring 2015 term, Stats 250 will be teaching data analysis to students through the R software, moving away from SPSS. Unlike SPSS, R is available to download for free, so students will be able to download the software to their own computers. This removes the necessity of having Virtual Sites, and allows students more freedom in their technology usage. We would like to expand this freedom by allowing students to attend a lab section remotely. A Hybrid Flexible model for lecture attendance has already been implemented into Stats 250. Hybrid Flexible, or "HyFlex," is an emerging option that provides students the flexibility and freedom to choose how and where they participate in classes. In a traditional hybrid course, the instructor dictates which sessions meet online versus face-to-face, but for a HyFlex model, students are given the decision about whether to attend class face-to-face or synchronously online. Students may attend entirely online (aside from exams, in this case), entirely face-to-face, or any combination of the two. There are different challenges when applying this model to a computer lab.

continued in project objectives...
Experiential learning of Savoring Using An Art Class


I would like to include a ceramics class as a way to teach students a concept and technique of savoring, which is part of the life worth living. This hands-on learning activity will provide students an opportunity to put savoring techniques in practice through creating a piece of art and appreciating different final projects of the other students. Making a ceramics piece would serve multiple learning purposes. It involves utilizing various senses such as touch, vision, smell, and sound, which are proven to be better ways of savoring. Exposing students to this type of learning experience that they are not familiar with could challenge their mind, creativity, and broaden their perspectives.
Expanding Student Learning Opportunities in Calculus by Teaching GSIs a Culturally Responsive Feedback Strategy


We will be experimenting with the design of the GSI training in the service of improving the instruction in the undergraduate calculus sequence. One central assumption of this project is that access to and equity in postsecondary learning opportunities is determined in part by collegiate teaching. In other words, the very teaching practices enacted by instructors in their courses actually serve to open or erect barriers to learning for particular groups of students, depending on the academic domain. For instance, giving students praise as a form of feedback actually serve to depress academic achievement amongst many women and African American students in mathematics courses (Lepper, Woolverton, Mumme, & Gurtner, 1993). An instructor offering praise equally to all his/her students in a calculus course would be creating inequitable learning opportunities for the women and men as well as white and students of color in the classroom (Yeager et al., 2013). This does not mean that there is malicious intent involved, yet ignoring the empirical research on effective, culturally responsive teaching practice, like the feedback strategy in this project, causes a great deal of harm to already marginalized student populations. We argue that it is especially important to create more equitable opportunities for undergraduate student learning in gateway courses, like pre-calculus (MATH 105), calculus one (MATH 115), and calculus two (MATH 116). We propose to do this by teaching Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) to employ a culturally responsive practice for giving student feedback.
Travelling to Germany for Professional Development Seminar for Business German "Ready for the Working World"


I am planning to attend a seminar organized by Goethe Institute in Germany called "Ready for the working world in Germany", It is a new seminar offered for the first time this year. In this one-week seminar I will learn how to provide my students with the practical and intercultural knowledge they need in order to be ideally prepared for working life in Germany. I will gain insights into company structures and will learn about culture-specific aspects of everyday working life in Germany. I will collect practical information and explore job-specific teaching materials. During the seminar I will then work in a group to develop interactive teaching methods for my own classroom. My students, especially in the class ‘Business German 350', will benefit immensely from the knowledge that I will gain from this seminar. Many of the students in this class are aspiring to apply for an internship or a job in Germany after completing their studies. The learning material offered in this seminar is exactly what they need.
Research Towards a Revised Proposal for an Accelerated MA Program in Intercultural Studies
David Porter
LSA - English Language and Literature


The College of LSA at the University of Michigan has in recent years encouraged departments to develop proposals for accelerated master's degree programs combining requirements for the BA with a terminal master's degree to be completed within five years of study. An ad hoc faculty committee within LSA has developed a detailed proposal for an innovative interdisciplinary MA program of this kind on the topic of "Intercultural Studies." The proposal has received official endorsements from eleven participating LSA departments in the humanities and social sciences along with the support of the deans of LSA and the Rackham Graduate School. On conducting a preliminary review of the proposal earlier this year, the LSA Executive Committee determined that the proposal, while promising, requires considerably more data concerning practical opportunities and outcomes for students enrolling in such a degree program in order to be approved. Funding is requested to support research on internship and employment possibilities for future holders of the proposed degree, in preparation for a revision of the proposal along the lines requested by the EC.
Interpreting Maritime History through Performance: Hosting Classroom Guest Performer & Speaker Glenn Gordinier


I am applying for funding from the CRLT Instructional Development Fund in order to host the visit of a classroom guest speaker, the maritime historian and performer Glenn Gordinier, in my Winter 2014 course LHSP 230: "Chasing the Whale: Reading and Responding to Moby-Dick. " Students in my course are all part of the Lloyd Hall Scholars Program living-learning community. My course guides students through an intensive critical reading of Moby-Dick and a sweeping survey of literature, art, and performance made in response to Herman Melville's 1851 novel. Throughout the course, students are drafting, work-shopping, and revising creative responses of their own. The teaching philosophy that guides my design of this course is that critical thought and creative expression can be mutually reinforcing. Through taking this approach to learning, I strive to complement the goal of the Lloyd Hall Scholars Program to encourage students' intellectual and personal growth. Through his one-man performance of a 19th-century sailor and his subsequent discussion, Dr. Gordinier will help my students fulfill the main learning outcomes of my course: to approach nineteenth-century culture through critical and creative forms of response. Dr. Gordinier will serve as a thoughtful model and interlocutor for students as they polish their own creative projects.
Exhibition Catalogue of the Museum of Literary Objects


Over the course of the semester, students in English 351.001 compose and publish an exhibition catalogue of a museum of literary objects. Students in this lecture course select significant objects from readings in British literature of the eighteenth century, the so-called "consumer revolution." They become curators in a museum composed of these objects, writing accession sheets, object records, and extensive curator's notes. Towards the end of the semester, students revise these documents into a single collaborative document, an exhibition catalogue. This catalogue includes object descriptions, images, and extensive curator notes. Printed using the Espresso Book Machine in the Undergraduate Library, each student takes home a copy of their catalogue at the end of the class.
Undocumented migration and the U.S./Mexico Border


What does the U.S. border enforcement policy look like at the fence? Why do people risk their lives to trek the Sonora desert to try to work in the United States? Is Operation Streamline, a zero tolerance federal court trial for undocumented immigrants, constitutionally valid? Questions of policy, migration strategies, and legal validity permeate my classes on immigration. Students will travel to the U.S./Mexico border to experience, record, and reflect on the repercussions of U.S. immigration and border enforcement policy in the Tucson/Nogales area. The goal is to begin to understand the nuances of this immigration and our policy response by observing the day to day activities that constitute the minutiae of a policy's impact upon both the people who migrate and the people who enforce the policy. This short trip focuses on experiential learning rather than evaluating the research of others. Students will use interviews, videos, photographs, poetry, and essays to attempt to gain an understanding of the impact of U.S. enforcement policy and the militarization of the border on all of our lives. They will prepare public presentations to share their findings.
The History and Evolution of Hip Hop


This project supports the community engagement component of a new course, AAS 254, "The History and Evolution of Hip Hop."Students will interact with local Hip Hop practitioners—artists, cultural workers, and institutions—by engaging classroom guest speakers and through a partnership between the class and 5e Gallery, a non-profit Hip Hop art gallery and performance space in Detroit. This partnership will include workshops called "5e Fridays" during which students will participate in various facets of Hip Hop culture.
Electronic Chamber Music Concert in Detroit
Michael Gurevich
Music, Theatre & Dance


The goal of Electronic Chamber Music (PAT 413) is for students to gain understanding of important movements in the history of electronic music. Each year, the course focuses on a musical theme, with which students engage through reading, listening, composition, and performance. The theme for 2015 is "Techno"—students will explore the technologically mediated dance music that originated in urban centers in the U.S. and Europe, including Detroit. For this project, the class will hold a free, public concert in Detroit, for which students will compose, perform and produce all the music. Detroit being the birthplace of Techno, this is a natural fit, but the concert offers significant educational opportunities. Performing in front of a large, public audience will foster a different kind of engagement with the subject. Listening, reading, and composing are important modalities for learning about music; active engagement with the music through performing will be an invaluable complement to promote experiential, embodied learning. The event will also use music to broach a number of complex and vexing cultural, social, and aesthetic topics. In preparing for the concert, we will inevitably discuss questions of race, class, poverty, privilege, urban renewal, and gentrification. These issues are inherent in the music the students are studying, but producing a concert in Detroit will bring them to the fore in ways that would not otherwise be possible. The process of creating, composing, and presenting music will offer an outlet for students to creatively and critically express themselves on these subjects beyond discussion.
Course enhancement for History Gateway Course on the History of Michigan


In the winter term of 2014, I will be launching a new "gateway" course in the history department. The course will be designed for freshmen and sophomores. These gateway courses are to take a topic in history ( in my case it will be Michigan and its university) and work trough a succession of themes that not only explore aspects of the general topic, but also suggest the different ways that history is done and understood. As a "gateway" class, I am particularly aware that to bring the idea of history to life will require an impressive visual accompaniment to the lectures. We have exceptional visual content here at the Bentley Library. I would like to devote the summer months (July and August -- my two final months as director) to building sets of images that will accompany the 26 lectures. To do this I will engage a student (already selected) to work with me to scan hundreds of items in support of this endeavor. From this databank of images I will be working this fall (during my sabbatical) to prepare the power points. I will "leverage" a $500 grant with other funds to put together an 8 week position.
Joint community project to assess food availability and procurement in southeast Grand Rapids
Phyllis Meadows
Public Policy


The Office of Public Health Practice is requesting funds to support the cost of transporting 25-30 UM students to participate in an engaged learning activity focusing on population health in Grand Rapids, MI.PHAST was invited by faculty from Grand Valley State University to establish a joint community project to assess food availability and procurement in southeast Grand Rapids. Students from UM SPH and GVSU collected household surveys on neighborhood perception of food availability and accessibility.
Professional Practices Workshop with curator Julie Lazar
Heidi Kumao
Art & Design


The goal of this project is to prepare MFA graduate students in the Professional Practices "Exit Seminar" (ArtDes 800) for professional careers in art or design after graduation. In order to survive as an artist or designer in today's competitive climate, students must learn how to professionally present themselves and their work to procure exhibition opportunities or financial support. While students are somewhat aware of opportunities that exist for creative production outside of the university, they lack direct experience with the process of developing proposals, applying for commissions or grants, approaching galleries or companies, and meeting with curators, to name a few. This class (and project) provides a bridge between graduate students' academic coursework and their professional lives, better enabling them to sustain their creative practice after leaving the University setting. Julie Lazar, an independent curator with decades of experience programming contemporary art (previously at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles) and director of a small arts consulting and production firm, (, will spend an entire day with the students, give a presentation on her curatorial practice to the seminar, lead a group discussion and meet students individually to provide critical feedback on their art/design work and written proposals (for jobs, exhibitions, public art, etc.). As a professional in the art world, she will provide a valuable perspective and up-to-date information that will better equip our students for life after the MFA program.
Scientific Writing in the Classroom
Lynn Carpenter
LSA - Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
LSA - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Upper level writing skills are essential to every field that students will pursue after graduation. As instructors it is our job to teach our students these required skills. Scientific writing can be particularly challenging to teach, as many science classes commonly range in size from 30 students to 150. Effective teaching will involve not only grading primary pieces, but also revision after revision. Ultimately this can add up to thousands of pages that must be not only graded but analyzed for meaningful feedback. This is on top of the traditional teaching load, which involves conveying the science material that students need as subject matter for their papers. Technology has the potential to eliminate many of these mechanical issues. With the proper software, tablet PCs have the potential to revolutionize the grading procedure for writing assignments. Rather than carrying around thousands of pages of paper, digital drafts can be critiqued, revised, and sent back for another round of work from the student. I am requesting funds to purchase a Tablet, with Windows Pro and Microsoft Office (with OneNote). Specifically, I want to construct a method to be able to download papers from CTools in batch, pull the papers into individual folders to Microsoft OneNote, and spend the grading time giving feedback on the papers rather than the mechanics. Ideally, if this does help to streamline the process of critiquing and giving feedback this information could be shared with other Biology faculty who may incorporate additional writing assignments into their curriculum.
Development of a Course Assignment Using the Labadie Collection
Sara McClelland
LSA - Women’s and Gender Studies
LSA - Psychology


This application seeks funding for research assistance using the Joseph A. Labadie Collection. In the course, Sex, Sexuality & Public Policy (WS/Psych 394) students are asked to design a set of advocacy materials that would educate and persuade a policy maker about a topic of interest to the student. The Labadie Collection at the University of Michigan houses a large array of excellent historical examples of these kinds of materials from the 20th century, including political pamphlets, posters, and placards. The funds from the Instructional Grant would be used to pay for research assistance to find and catalog these examples for regular use in this course. There would be several useful outcomes from this archival research: a graduate student would develop a set of instructional materials using this collection and develop expertise using archival methods. Secondly, students in the course (75 students each year) would be exposed to the Labadie Collection, as well as the importance of using archival materials to think about contemporary politics.
21st century music education clinics with Julie Lyon Lieberman
Michael Hopkins
Music, Theatre & Dance


The purpose of this grant request was to provide support for a clinic on a topic of importance in 21st century music education: the integration of technology in performance and creative musicianship. The guest clinician was Julie Lyonn Lieberman, an eclectic styles violinist who specializes in improvisation, American vernacular and world styles. She is a nationally recognized clinician and performance artist. Lieberman visited campus on Thursday March 13 and gave a presentation entitled "Technology for Strings" to 30 undergraduate and graduate music education and music performance students during the meeting time for our String Techniques course. In addition, I was able to make arrangements for Lieberman to travel with me to Clague Middle School in Ann Arbor later that morning, where she gave her presentation to 60 7th-grade orchestra students. During her presentations, Lieberman introduced the participants to the use of electric violin, looper, effects, amplification, and led an improvisatory "jam session" with the participants.
Enhancing Interprofessional Education Through a Virtual Simulation Pilot Study


As healthcare delivery continues to become more team-focused, there is a need to train health professions students to work together to provide quality and safe patient care. In the Winter 2014 term, my colleagues and I will be conducting a virtual simulation pilot study through Second Life, a virtual simulation technology. One of the common barriers to interprofessional education is getting the students in the same place at the same time. The use of virtual technology may eliminate or reduce this type of barrier. The pilot study will focus on interprofessional communication among nursing, pharmacy, and medicine students. Additionally, the pilot study will focus on improving healthcare quality and safety. Students will receive training in Team STEPPS, which is an evidence-based teamwork strategy developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Students will then complete a virtual simulation around teamwork and error disclosure using the learned Team STEPPS principles. The goal is that students will enhance their interprofessional communication skills and gain valuable teamwork strategies and techniques through the Team STEPPS training. Student volunteers from each health professions school will be recruited to participate in this unique learning opportunity. Based on the findings from this study, additional interprofessional learning activities may be developed using virtual technology.
Design for Social Impact Conference
Jill Greene
Art & Design


In consultation with senior faculty, I am given the responsibility in my courses for the design of course assignments, identification of guest speakers, and other elements of the course content. The content of the AIGA national conference directly relates to the courses that I teach and will impact the design of assignments as well as other course content. In addition, the conference will also impact my professional research interests.
Collaboration with a Professional Sports Organization: Creating new sponsorship inventory for the Detroit Tigers
Dae Hee Kwak


Instructional Development Fund is sought for a collaborative project between SM439 (Sponsorship-Linked Marketing) students and the Detroit Tigers. Students will work in a small group to tackle a real-world problem the professional baseball franchise is facing. Senior executive of the organization has committed to provide a sponsorship-related project and students will have opportunities to apply various sponsorship theories and concepts to solve the real-world problem. In order to make this collaborative project more engaging, the senior executive invited the whole class to the facility during the semester. The Comerica Park has statues in left field concourse but have some unique potential for fan attraction and sponsorship. The organization would like to create new sponsorship inventory and make the space more appealing to fans. Therefore, it is critical for students to actually visit and experience the surroundings of the unused space. Instructional Development Fund will be primarily used to arrange a vehicle and a driver to take students (35 including the instructor) to the facility. Department of Parking and Transportation Services provides vehicle lease program and the cost for leasing a bus and a driver is $71.50/hour (6 or 8 hours minimum charge depending on the vendor). Therefore, I ask for $500 to cover the transportation expense to make experiential learning possible for my students. This problem-based learning opportunity will challenge students to critically think how the concepts can be utilized outside of the classroom. Students are already excited for this real-world case study and I am eager to provide relevant resources for them.