
Funded Projects
Investigating Student Learning Grant (ISL)
Project Title Overview of the Project
Impact of Streaming Lecture on Class Dynamics and Learning
Perry Samson


Impact of First-Year Design-Build-Test Courses in Engineering
Peter Washabaugh


Evaluating the Bluestream Database for Linguistics Learning and Teaching


Self-Teaching materials for Large Lecture Courses
Marcial Lapp
Amy Cohn


Will You Wiki? Policy Students' Experience of Learning by Doing Case-Study Wikis
Susan Waltz
Public Policy


Creationism Is Not the (Only) Problem: Cognitive Constraints on Undergraduates' Understanding of Evolution


Fostering the Entrepreneurial Mindset in the Engineering Classroom


Fostering Critical Engagement and Cross-Cultural Comparison


Novice Teacher Learning Through Rehearsal Cycles
Melissa Stull
Amy Bacevich


Team-Based Term Projects in Undergraduate Engineering Mechanics
Greg Hulbert


The Art and Science of Story-Telling in the Engineering Classroom
David Chesney


Do Student Presentations Enhance Student Learning in Pathology Labs?
Andrew Flint
Medical School


Investigating Inquiry-Based Learning in an Introductory Course on Semiconductor Devices
Emine Cagin
Jamie Phillips


Using Screencasts to Enhance Student Learning in a Large Lecture Material Science and Engineering Course


Investigating Student Learning in SWC 100: Writing Practicum


Lecturers' Professional Development Fund (LPDF)
Project Title Overview of the Project
The Knowing Body: God's Forms in Jewish Antiquity
Deborah Forger
LSA - Middle East Studies
LSA - Judaic Studies


To be an excellent teacher requires a scholar to stay active in their respective field, publishing regularly and contributing to their area of specialization so that they can bring the latest, up-to-date, information about a subject to their students. As a specialist of Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, on November 19, 2023, I will present an academic paper at the Society of Biblical Literature’s Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX. My paper addresses a topic related to the third chapter of my current book project—The Knowing Body: God’s Forms in Jewish Antiquity. This book not only deconstructs the false binary between “mind” knowledge and “body” knowledge, but it also situates the Gospel of John and its description of Jesus as God-made-flesh within first-century Judaism. In the process, the project addresses intersecting themes of epistemology, anti-Semitism, and racism—arguing that for ancient Jews and early Christians alike, God not only had a body but was known through the body. Presenting my research and listening to other scholars’ present their work will undoubtably make me a better researcher, but it will also make me a better teacher since it will enable me to bring the latest scholarly developments on the origins of Judaism and Christianity into the classroom.
Conference Presentation: Integrating XR Technologies to Teach First-Year Engineers Socially-Engaged Design
Katie Snyder
Engineering - Technical Communication
LSA - Comprehensive Studies


Conference presentation and attendance at the 20th International Conference for Knowledge, Technology, and Society in Valencia, Spain, on March 7-8. Presenting course design and research results of a new section of ENGR 100: “Socially-engaged design of nuclear energy technologies.” An E3 Level 2 grant funded the development of this course. This project will directly impact the 85 students I teach in ENGR 100 each year.