
Final Reports
Gilbert Whitaker Fund for the Improvement of Teaching
Project Title Applicant(s) Actions
Redesigning Clinical Skill Training through Technology
Sculpting Light Sculpting Space
Cynthia Pachikara
Art & Design
Tsz Yan Ng
Architecture and Urban Planning
Development of an Interdisciplinary Management and Leadership Curriculum for Medical Residents
James Cooke
Medical School
Introducing Intercultural Competence Through Case Studies
A University-Community Social and Environmental Justice Film and Discussion Series: Diverse, Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences for Students through the Integration of Classroom Study and Community Engagement
James Crowfoot
Environment and Sustainability
Use and Usefulness: Assessing Learning Resources in Large Lecture Science Classes
Institutionalizing Assessment as Part of Introductory Course Reform in Physics
Assessing the LSA Upper-Level Writing Requirement
Engineering Online Gateway System
Jeff Ringenberg
Marcial Lapp
Preparing for Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector in the US: An Opportunity for Service Learning
John Tropman
Social Work
Interdisciplinary Design Education Strategies
Shanna Daly
Thinking and Teaching in Global Dimensions: A Joint Proposal for A May Seminar
Bob Bain
Instructional Development Fund (IDF)
Project Title Applicant(s) Actions
Orchestral Reading & Recording Project for PAT 202/502 Students
Paul Dooley
Music, Theatre & Dance
Class visit to the Detroit Institute of Arts
Stefano Mengozzi
Music, Theatre & Dance
Patterning Technology Integration with CLO3D
Sarah Oliver
Music, Theatre & Dance
The Art of Bearing Witness: In Post-Genocide Cambodia and Beyond
Nachiket Chanchani
LSA - History of Art
LSA - Asian Languages and Cultures