Enriching Scholarship 2018 Opening Keynote & Poster Fair

9:00am: Poster Fair and Strolling Breakfast

The poster fair highlights the work of the five recipients of the annual Provost's Teaching Innovation Prize (TIP), and CRLT's Investigating Student Learning (ISL) Grant teams. The event provides an opportunity for the campus community to learn more about innovative teaching strategies and to discuss findings from research on teaching and learning. The TIP awards will be presented at the start of the keynote session.

10:00am -12:00pm: Opening Keynote Address: Helping Students Learn in an Age of Digital Distraction

Our students are inundated with an overwhelming amount of information each day as they navigate social media, peruse various websites, listen to the radio, read print media, and flip through innumerable television channels. Unfortunately, very little of this information is directly connected by our students to their interactions with us in the classroom. In this session, we will explore how to break through the cognitive overload that our students experience on a daily basis and discuss how we can help our students develop effective strategies for learning in the midst of this Age of Digital Distraction.

2:00pm-4:00pm: Keynote Workshop: Creating Effective Online Activities

Need some new ideas for online learning activities? Based on principles from The Blended Course Design Workbook: A Practical Guide this 2-hour interactive workshop will focus on creating effective online activities that are student-centered, engaging, and aligned with the face-to-face activities of the course. Participants will review their course goals and learning objectives, choose an online platform and/or tool for their activity, and leave the workshop with at least one online activity that they can immediately implement into their course.

About Our Speaker:

This year’s Opening Keynote speaker will be Dr. Katie Linder. Dr. Linder is an avid writer and researcher with a passion for process and peeking behind the scenes at what it takes to be a successful academic. Currently, she hosts two weekly solo podcasts (You’ve Got This and The Anatomy of a Book), a weekly interview-based podcast (Research in Action), and a seasonal podcast (AcademiGig) co-hosted with Dr. Sara Langworthy. Katie also writes a weekly essay series. Her most recent book is The Blended Course Design Workbook: A Practical GuideKatie is also the director of the Oregon State University Ecampus Research Unit and an associate editor for the International Journal for Academic Development.

Event Information
Location (Room):
Great Lakes Rooms (Palmer Commons 4th Floor)
Dr. Katie
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Not eligible for Certificate
The registration for this event is closed