FCI Seminar Series: Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Welcoming Classroom Environments

Dr. Kelly Hogan and Dr. Viji Sathy are both award-winning instructors with a combined 25+ years in the classroom at the University of North Carolina. They are passionate about student success, equity, and inclusion in the classroom. Teaching strategies that emphasize structured active learning can create more equitable classrooms and improve learning for all students. As an introduction to inclusive teaching techniques, Professors Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy of the University of North Carolina will ask participants to reflect on inequities and diversity in their classrooms through interactive, hands-on activities.


In the interactive session, after providing a framework for inclusive design and their own research results, Hogan and Sathy will lead participants through active learning exercises and case studies that explore inclusive techniques. Drawing upon their own teaching experiences and educational research, they will model approaches that can be readily implemented with any discipline or class size to help all students achieve to their potentials.



Event Information
Location (Room):
Michigan League - Henderson Room
Kelly Hogan
STEM Teaching
Biology Department
University of
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Not eligible for Certificate
The registration for this event is closed