Open Office Hours with CRLT and CAI on Remote Teaching

Given the current uncertainty and rapid change around coronavirus and COVID-19, many colleges and universities are asking instructors to accommodate illness and calls for social distancing by teaching remotely rather than in person. The University of Michigan has not moved to remote teaching, but given the rapid change in this situation, many instructors are thinking about how they might do so if needed. CRLT and CAI, along with other UM units, have developed a checklist for getting started with teaching remotely and relevant online teaching resources.

To build on those resources, in this online session, staff from CRLT and CAI will field your questions about preparing to teach remotely in the event that UM instructors are asked to do so. You might ask about:

  • Communicating with and supporting students while teaching remotely
  • Some basic tools for remote teaching and when to use them (e.g., live synchronous meetings, recorded lectures and screencasts, discussion boards)
  • Best practices for remote teaching

This session will be held as a videoconference in Bluejeans and will provide a place to experience some of the features of that tool. To join the session, please go to:

Event Materials
Event Information
Nicole Tuttle
Graduate Students
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Not eligible for Certificate
The registration for this event is closed