Canvas for Effective Teaching

As U-M transitions to a new learning management system, instructors have raised questions about the ways in which Canvas will support their current practices or enable them to adapt new teaching strategies that will benefit student learning.  In this hands-on session, faculty (and graduate student instructors who are teaching their own courses) will learn how to use Canvas features to foster effective teaching and learning environments.  These include a variety of tools, such as rubrics, peer review, group assignments, and collaborations.

This session is hands-on, so please bring a laptop or tablet to the session along with your ideas and questions.

This session is for faculty only, however GSIs who are currently the instructor of record of a course using Canvas may acquire an over-ride. Please indicate your teaching status in the comments section. You will be placed onto the waiting list until your status is reviewed.

This workshop is part of a series of Canvas seminars offered by CRLT this winter. Click on the links below to register for additional Canvas workshops:

Event Information
Location (Room):
CRLT Seminar Room (1013 Palmer Commons)
Ronit Greenberg
The registration for this event is closed