Inclusive Teaching with Writing

How can you use writing as a tool for inclusive learning, no matter your discipline and the size of your courses? How can you fairly and effectively provide feedback to writers who speak a variety of American dialects and World Englishes? And how might an understanding of the concept of "standard academic English”--and the ways it can contribute to inequitable learning environments--help us better support the learning of all the students we want to attract to our courses, majors, and programs?  In this session, faculty from U-M's Sweetland Center for Writing will provide an introduction to what writing scholars have called "standard language ideology," discuss some alternative ways of viewing language difference in writing, and identify strategies for developing writing assignments, providing feedback, and evaluating writing that equitably facilitate the success of all learners. This interactive session will be helpful for anyone who assigns formal or informal writing in their courses and wants new ways to think about assigning and evaluating writing.

Event Information
Location (Room):
CRLT Seminar Room (1013 Palmer Commons)
Whitney Peoples
Assistant Director
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate:
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching
The registration for this event is closed