Workshops for GSMs and Faculty Coordinators of GSI Training

Below you will find a list of resources and events we offer annually. CRLT is happy to consult with you about supporting GSI training and development in your department (Request a GSI training related consultation here). For questions about these events and resources or GSI support and training, please contact us at [email protected].

Title Dates Short Description
Running Practice Teaching Sessions -

In a practice teaching (PT) or microteaching session, instructors deliver a brief lesson (e.g., 10-20 minutes) to their peers. Participants in a practice teaching session offer each other feedback on their…

Running Practice Teaching Sessions -

In a practice teaching (PT) or microteaching session, instructors deliver a brief lesson (e.g., 10-20 minutes) to their peers. Participants in a practice teaching session offer each other feedback on their…

Community of Practice Lunches for Those Supporting GSI Training & Development -

In response to recent requests, CRLT is excited to offer a new monthly Community of Practice (CoP) for GSMs, faculty, and staff who directly support GSI training and development across the university.

Consulting with GSIs, Observing Classes, and Collecting Student Feedback -

This foundational interactive workshop is designed for Graduate Student Instructional Consultants (GSICs), Engineering Teaching Consultants (ETCs), Graduate Student Mentors (GSMs) and faculty or staff…

Consulting with GSIs, Observing Classes, and Collecting Student Feedback -

This foundational interactive workshop is designed for Graduate Student Instructional Consultants (GSICs), Engineering Teaching Consultants (ETCs), Graduate Student Mentors (GSMs) and faculty or staff…

Community of Practice Lunches for Those Supporting GSI Training & Development -

In response to recent requests, CRLT is excited to offer a new monthly Community of Practice (CoP) for GSMs, faculty, and staff who directly support GSI training and development across the university.

Community of Practice Lunches for Those Supporting GSI Training & Development -

In response to recent requests, CRLT is excited to offer a new monthly Community of Practice (CoP) for GSMs, faculty, and staff who directly support GSI training and development across the university.

Community of Practice Lunches for Those Supporting GSI Training & Development -

In response to recent requests, CRLT is excited to offer a new monthly Community of Practice (CoP) for GSMs, faculty, and staff who directly support GSI training and development across the university.

Running Practice Teaching Sessions -

In a practice teaching (PT) or microteaching session, instructors deliver a brief lesson (e.g., 10-20 minutes) to their peers. Participants in a practice teaching session offer each other feedback on their…

Community of Practice Lunches for Those Supporting GSI Training & Development -

In response to recent requests, CRLT is excited to offer a new monthly Community of Practice (CoP) for GSMs, faculty, and staff who directly support GSI training and development across the university.