Building Sustainability Cultural Change Leaders: Bringing the U-M Model to the World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities

Building Sustainability Cultural Change Leaders: Bringing the U-M Model to the World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities

Academic Year:
2011 - 2012 (June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
This proposal would take the findings and model developed through my Lecturer I appointment in the Program in the Environment (PitE) teaching "ENVIRON/RCIDIV 391: Sustainability & the Campus" as well as my engagement with the U-M Campus Sustainability Integrated Assessment (via the Institute for Social Research) and bring it to the most important environmental gathering in 2012. With two papers accepted for the "World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities", which is a parallel conference to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20), my work – and the entire body of work on U-M's education for sustainability effort – would receive global exposure at the highest level if it is funded through the Lecturers' Professional Development grant. Moreover, a grant would allow me to be part of a U-M delegation to the UN Summit, which occurs 20 years after the iconic and powerful original "Earth Summit" in Rio De Janeiro in 1992. This is a critical professional development opportunity for me, particularly as I have re-entered academia full-time just over a year ago after a nearly 7 year hiatus, and it would allow me to reestablish global contacts and my role as a leader in campus sustainability. Moreover, this conference represents a publishing opportunity, as all papers will be published in a proceedings document and a selection of papers will become part of an upcoming book or an issue of the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:
1) Learn from colleagues around the world about education for sustainability and building sustainability leaders. 2) Present U-M as a leader in developing future sustainability leaders and building a culture of sustainability on campus.
Project Achievements:
Delivered keynote address at the World Summit on Sustainable Development at Universities, as part of the Rio +20 Earth Summit. Presented on U-M's Sustainability Integrated Assessment and efforts at building a culture of sustainability. Interacted with world leaders in this area, bringing new curricular and co-curricular ideas back to U-M.
The results of this project will be incorporated into teaching in the Program in the Environment as well as the Graham Sustainability Scholars Program and Dow Sustainability Fellows Program. In addition to two book chapters, the experience critically shaped what will likely be a peer-reviewed articled on sustainability leadership.
As stated above, 3 publications as well as ongoing interactions with colleagues on and off campus. We may also do a training session for the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.