From Here On Out -- originally titled Home(land)

From Here On Out -- originally titled Home(land)

Academic Year:
2011 - 2012 (June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
Home(land) is a current work in progress, consisting of photographs, drawings, papercuts and prints, that documents and interprets social dynamics of various communities in Detroit and Palestine. It will be exhibited at 2739 Edwin Gallery in Hamtramck, Michigan in the fall of 2012. I am applying for a Lecturer Professional Development Grant to help fund the material costs associated with launching the exhibition.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:
To expand upon a body of personal work related to everyday experiences that take place within the compact but diverse city of Hamtramck, Michigan. The final works took the form of photographs, screen prints, offset lithographs, and zines of short prose.
Project Achievements:
The project was shown as part of a two-person exhibition (with Stamps School of Art and Design Lecturer, Andrew Thompson) titled "From Here On Out" at 2739 Gallery in Hamtramck during the Fall of 2012. It remained open during the annual Hamtramck Neighborhood Arts Festival, when we opened the gallery for a "Talk and Walk" in which we led gallery visitors on an informal tour of Hamtramck to provide context for the work. The School of Art and Design community was invited to view and participate in the project with the aim of starting conversations about community.
I have since created a small artist book that combines the texts and images that have emerged from this project. Meneses + Leder Kremer, an artist partnership based in Miami, Florida received a grant from Gulf Coast University to publish the work of 5 artists and will be printing 50 copies of my book as part of their larger publishing program.
The work that rose out of this project was shown to the public in Hamtramck through 2739 Edwin Gallery between September and October 2012. Selected prints were also shown at the Southern Graphics Council International Conference in Milwaukee in March 2013 through their open portfolio session.