Captions for Video Tutorials

Captions for Video Tutorials

Academic Year:
2011 - 2012 (June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
I am applying for funds to add captions to photo-tutorial videos so they would be available for students who are deaf or hard of hearing. All students enrolled in the School of Art & Design take TMP:Messages. During this semester-long class, they rotate through a series of media-based courses, one of them being photography. Their exposure to photography is compressed to 2.5 weeks. The video tutorial series enables instruction involving demonstration and materials outside of course time.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The project was intended to add captions to eight video tutorials used for instruction in photography courses in the School of Art & Design. This involved transcribing the existing videos, time-coding the transcriptions, and adding them to the videos.

Project Achievements:

Providing accurate captions on the videos makes these tutorials accessible to all students with hearing impairment. The videos are used by all students in the school of Art & Design.

Executing this project taught me the process of creating time-coded captions, and how to upload them to the video. Now that I'm familiar with this, I'll make any future video tutorials with captions immediately. Mary Reilly in the Office for Students with Disabilities was very helpful in teaching me this process, and it's great to know of this resource.
The eight videos are up on PLAY gallery (an online gallery) in the School of Art & Design.
Advice to your Colleagues:
Instructors who make video tutorials should know about the services offered by the Office for Students with Disabilities. They are happy to work with faculty to ensure that videos have proper captions. The transcription service I used - Media-Tran - was very affordable. Transcribing eight videos cost less than $85.