Support for Conference Attendance and Editorial Assistance for Research Project, "Philanthropic Foundations as Policy Actors in Public Education"

Support for Conference Attendance and Editorial Assistance for Research Project, "Philanthropic Foundations as Policy Actors in Public Education"

Academic Year:
2012 - 2013 (June 1, 2012 through May 31, 2013)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
This proposal requests funds for two professional development activities. The first portion of the request is for funding to attend the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)'s annual conference in November 2012. At the conference, I will be chairing a panel that will explore the policy-related engagement of private foundations in the field of K-12 public education. I will also present a paper on how foundations manage their grantees' political activities in the context of legal restrictions on foundation-funded advocacy efforts, and participate in a special Teaching Section on effective and innovative methods for teaching about nonprofit management. The second portion of the request is for funding to obtain editorial assistance for a book manuscript that I am completing as an outgrowth of my dissertation. The book draws on nearly 50 interviews to analyze how philanthropic foundations approach policy influence in the field of K-12 education in the U.S., focusing on four of the largest and most influential foundations active in this area. Both of these activities facilitate my professional development as both a teacher and researcher, as my research grounds and informs my teaching on nonprofit organizations and public policy. Opportunities to grow as a researcher and to publish my own work will not only facilitate my development as a scholar in the field of nonprofit studies, but will, most importantly, enhance my teaching by expanding my knowledge of recent empirical work, enabling me to share cutting-edge knowledge with students.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

This grant allowed me to attend a major conference and work on a book proposal, both of which facilitated my development as a scholar.

Project Achievements:

I was able to organize and present a paper session at ARNOVA 2012, which was attended by several leaders in my field, which resulted in invaluable feedback and networking opportunities with other scholars. It also allowed me to retain the interest of a university press in my book manuscript.

Yes. I am continuing to work on the paper, which will be published in a journal, and the manuscript.
I have given several talks about the work to my faculty colleagues as well as another talk for colleagues nationally.