Long-Term Impact of Patient Narrative-based Learning on Physician Attitudes Regarding Patient-Centered Care

Long-Term Impact of Patient Narrative-based Learning on Physician Attitudes Regarding Patient-Centered Care

Academic Year:
2013 - 2014 (June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2014)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
This project is a qualitative, interview-based study of the long-term impact of the Family Centered Experience (FCE) on practicing physicians. The FCE is a medical school program at UMMS that incorporates patient narratives and reflective discussions to explore the experience of illness, doctor-patient relationships, and the humanistic side of medicine. Many of the hundreds of students who have gone through the FCE since its beginnings in 2003 are now practicing medicine either in residency programs or beyond. The proposed study is designed to investigate the reflections and insights of graduates regarding their experiences in the FCE and how these experiences have shaped their identities as physicians and their attitudes towards patient care and the practice of medicine.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The Family Centered Experience (FCE), a course in the University of Michigan Medical School started in 2003 that is required of all students during their first two years, is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the human side of medicine and the impact of illness on a patient and family. The purpose of this study was to examine the long-term impact of the FCE course on former students.

Project Achievements:

This study showed that the Family Centered Experience has had a long-lasting impact on former students of the program, influencing the way they viewed the effect of chronic disease on a patient and their family while also influencing their views of medicine and the quality of care that they provide to their patients. With this knowledge, we are extremely committed to the continuation of this sort of curriculum in our medical school.

Although the project itself has been completed, we will continue our work by writing this up with the hopes of publishing in a peer reviewed journal.
We have submitted an abstract to the AAMC meeting this fall. We also plan on writing this up as a manuscript and submitting our findings in a peer reviewed journal.