A Video of Remnants, my play--Post-production

A Video of Remnants, my play--Post-production

Academic Year:
2013 - 2014 (June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2014)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
Since 1997, I have been doing a one-person performance of my play, Remnants, originally produced for radio and distributed on NPR. As of this date, I have presented the piece "live" at more than 300 venues worldwide--primarily universities, secondary schools, museums, academic conferences, and Holocaust remembrance events. The play draws on three decades of my interviews with Holocaust survivors--it is not verbatim "testimony" but rather recreates quintessential conversational moments--and performances are always followed by discussion/Q&A. I see performances, and especially the discussion that follows, as an extension of my teaching on what has been my primary teaching and research topic for almost forty years. A video is intended especially for classroom use to reach students on a wider scale than up to now, and I would remain available for Q&A via teleconference and similar. I am working this Fall with Digital Media Commons to "shoot" the "out-takes," which include an interview with me based the questions audiences most often raise. But the big expense is post-production, mainly editing, that will begin in January 2014. It is for that expense that I apply for funding help. Further info on the background and performance history of Remnants can be found at http://www.henrygreenspan.com/work2.htm
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

To edit a video of my one-man play, REMNANTS, with an aim that the piece be used in college-level courses. The final video includes both a performance segment and excerpts from post-performance discussions from a range of venues.

Project Achievements:

We have completed a rough cut of the video that I have been sending to colleagues for review. Responsive have been extremely positive; more than I expected for this initial iteration. Pretty much all reviewers want to use the video in their classes. That includes people at Claremont McKenna, Williams, Princeton, Loyola Marymount, Texas-Austin, Wisconsin, et al.

Definitely. As above, there are a few different segments to the video. I am also working on an accompanying short book that will include the script as text and tell some of the "stories behind the stories," and "issues behind the issues," that the video represents. I hope to get much of this done within the next year or two.
I have put together an Advisory Team who know the piece and who will all use the video in their own courses as well as help get the word to others. They are big "fans" of the video even in unfinished form. Because this is the 25th anniversary of the initial production of the play, I am doing a lot of performances around the country this year. In some venues, I will show the video as we know have it to get a fuller sense of how it works with students. In general, the play is well known in my field, and there seems to be interest in having a video version. I am usually asked about that when I do the piece on stage.
Advice to your Colleagues:
Life is complex! No lessons specific to this. It all has to do with keeping moving as one can and holding on to one's vision, while adapting to circumstances as necessary. Not news!