Social Work in a Global Setting: Learning from the Hong Kong Model

Social Work in a Global Setting: Learning from the Hong Kong Model

Academic Year:
2013 - 2014 (June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2014)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
The goal of this proposal is to fund a trip to Hong Kong that will enable me to learn about social work in an international context. During this trip I propose visiting the University of Hong Kong Department of Social Work and Social Administration, the Hong Kong Social Workers Association, as well as local social work agencies. My position as a lecturer at the School of Social Work centers on working with students preparing for, engaging in, or returning from international social work experiences. I am proposing this visit 1) to gain a better understanding of a social work education structure outside of the US, 2) to learn about the social welfare structure in another country, 3) to strengthen personal relationships with institutional and agency partners, and 4) to gather feedback about how the School of Social Work can better prepare students undertaking a global professional internship. The U-M School of Social Work has long prioritized educating our master students to engage and practice at an international level. This makes our school one of the few MSW programs that offers semester long, funded global field placements. As one of two individuals primarily responsible for creating, maintaining, and managing these programs I would greatly benefit from this opportunity to learn firsthand about social work in foreign country. As a licensed social worker this would be an incredible professional development opportunity. Additionally, the students I teach would also benefit from my enhanced understanding of global social work.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

1) To gain a better understanding of a social work education structure outside of the US, 2) to learn about the social welfare structure in another country, 3) to strengthen personal relationships with institutional and agency partners, and 4) to gather feedback about how the School of Social Work can better prepare students undertaking a global professional internship.

Project Achievements:

While in Hong Kong I meet with the Deputy Director of Field Instruction and the school's team of field work supervisors that oversee their social work field placement process at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) Department of Social Work and Social Administration. In addition, I met with the head of the Social Work and Social Administration department, the director of the MSW program, and the Dean of the Social Sciences. Lastly, I visited two social work agencies where UM places exchange students (The Nesbitt Centre and Christian Action Network Chungking Mansion). The meetings at HKU provided me with a better understanding of the social work educational philosophy in Hong Kong as well as a space to share our model and discus successes and challenges to social work educational practices. The agency visits helped strengthen my relationship with field instructors who directly supervise our exchange students. My experience in Hong Kong will greatly impact the way I teach SW 648 Issues in Global Social Work Practice as I now have a much deeper understanding of SW education in another country. In addition this visit greatly strengthened our university partnership. Lastly, this experience will help the School of Social Work's Office of Global Activities better prepare students for global internships.

I will continue to collaborate with Ms. Eltha Wong, the Deputy Director of Field Instruction at the University of Hong Kong, as we continue to exchange graduate students. In addition, Eltha and I will be presenting at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development in Melbourne, Australia about the exchange program model we have developed for MSW students in July.
As a member of the School of Social Work's Global Social Work Learning Community it is likely that I will be part of a presentation on Social Work in Hong Kong. This presentation will be part of a series of presentations on social work in various countries that are planned for the upcoming academic year.