Enhancing scholarship and collaboration through attendance at a scientific meeting

Enhancing scholarship and collaboration through attendance at a scientific meeting

Academic Year:
2014 - 2015 (June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
I am requesting funds for travel to a scientific meeting (San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium) in December of 2014. This is one of the largest scientific meetings devoted only to breast cancer research and is attended by breast cancer researchers from around the world. Attendance at this meeting will highly impact my development as a breast cancer researcher. Practice changing study results are often presented at this meeting. In addition, there are seminars and lectures providing a general review of basic science, translational science, and clinical topics. Moreover, there is always an opportunity to foster collaborations with academic researchers and industry. Since my outside collaborators will be attending the meeting, it would provide me with a face-to-face time to follow-up on various scientific collaborative projects with others from outside institutions. Attendance at this meeting will not only enhance my breast cancer research endeavor and career but also will allow for professional networking in the field.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The objectives of the project included: (1) to develop knowledge base on ongoing research in breast cancer, (2)to establish and foster professional networking, (3) to enhance my current research by learning about new data/result in the field and continue external collaborations.

Project Achievements:

I was able to learn the most recent research findings in breast cancer and ongoing research initiative. This has helped me with my ongoing research and planning for future projects. I have been able to incorporate the knowledge I obtained in clinical practice and clinical teaching.

I will be attending the same conference this year and have submitted an abstract for presentation.
The knowledge I have learned from attending the meeting will be shared with my colleagues (internally and externally) and will be used in teaching trainees.