Teaching, technology, and the building of professional communities of support

Teaching, technology, and the building of professional communities of support

Academic Year:
2014 - 2015 (June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
In the graduate course that I teach for the MAC (secondary teacher certification) Program on teaching with technology, my goals are to help my students think creatively about using web-based technology to enhance student learning, and to provide them with meaningful professional experiences that connect them with the larger community of educators. My application for funding is linked to a plan designed to work purposefully towards reaching these goals. In previous years, my students have attended Michigan's annual conference on teaching with technology, the MACUL (Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning) Conference. This year, I am applying to have my students actually present at the conference, with their presentations based on work they do in class in which they teach their peers how specific new technology tools can enhance student learning across the disciplines. In a day when both teachers and school funding are under siege, new teachers must be able to speak articulately and publicly about their practice, so the other part of my plan is to invite graduates of our program, who themselves do professional development work, to attend a "dress rehearsal" of the presentation and to offer feedback to my students. I want my students to participate in rich professional conversations, and I also want to strengthen ties with our alumni community, and I believe that my plan, at a very modest cost, will accomplish all of this, while providing my students with a valuable personal and professional experience.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

To provide students in my “Teaching with Technology” course, taught for the School of Education’s MAC (secondary teacher certification) Program, the opportunity to have a multi-level professional experience. This experience involved a team of students putting together and giving a presentation, inspired by aspects of their coursework, at a professional conference, and doing so with the support of program alumni who are in-practice teachers, and who served as their consultants, attending a dress rehearsal of the presentation and offering critiques and suggestions. In this sense, I also hoped that the students would expand their professional networks, learn from more-experienced educators, and enhance their professional credentials. I also wanted to build stronger, more authentic connections with our program alumni.

Project Achievements:

A team of five Secondary MAC Program students (Elliot Begley, Jesse Antuma, Anthony Tedaldi, Muneer Khalid, and Kareem Hakim) presented at the 2015 Institute for Innovation in Education Conference (held at the Duderstadt Center and co-sponsored by the Schools of Education at Ann Arbor and Flint campuses). Three program alumni (Emily Polacyzk, Vice-Principal at the Flex Tech HS in Brighton; David Russell, Science faculty member at Ann Arbor Huron HS; and Erin Wynn, English Language Arts faculty member at Abbott Middle School in West Bloomfield) served as consultants to the presenters. The presentation was very well received, so much so in fact that the conference organizers offered to make this presentation a regular feature of future conferences.

Building on the precedent established with the support of this grant, a team of six Secondary MAC Program students (Jake Topp, Joshua Wiggins, Marc Mens, Joseph Bliven, Ali Khalid, and Jonathan White) gave a featured presentation (“Breaking Down Curricular Walls in the Teaching of Science and the Humanities”) at the 2016 Institute for Innovation in Education Conference, held in June. Once again, the presentation received an excellent response, and I am hopeful that this is the start of a tradition.
Announcements of the presentations were made on the School of Education website (http://www.soe.umich.edu/news_events/news/article/secondary_mac_alumni_students_collaborate_on_presentations/ AND http://www.soe.umich.edu/news_events/news/article/mac_alumni_present_at_educational_conference/) and on the Institute for Innovation in Education Conference website (http://iie.institute/iie-ann-arbor-2016-gathering-workshops/).