Application for Grant to Attend the annual ASEE Conference and Exposition

Application for Grant to Attend the annual ASEE Conference and Exposition

Academic Year:
2015 - 2016 (June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
I am applying for professional development funding to be able to attend the annual ASEE Conference and Exposition June26-June29, 2016. The ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition is a conference dedicated to engineering education. Attending this conference will help me to stay current in engineering education, and spark lots of new ideas for teaching design methods and tools in the classroom, and give me an opportunity to network with faculty that teach similar classes from other schools and exchange ideas. As the course coordinator and an instructor of the capstone design course in mechanical engineering and a lecturer for the first-year course ENGR 100, I would be grateful for an opportunity to attend the annual conference to exchange ideas with peers. Specifically, I would hope to use the conference to (1) network with other faculty to look for opportunities to start multidisciplinary, distributed teams that could collaborate on engineering projects in first-year design courses and capstone engineering courses, (2) return to campus with more ideas on how to make larger lectures more interactive and engaging for students, (3) attend sessions specific to design in engineering curriculum and student safety while working on engineering projects.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The objective was to present a poster, network with and share best-practices/learn from others teaching undergraduate engineering design courses.

Project Achievements:

Attending this conference gave me fresh ideas to try in the classroom and connected me to others that may be willing to collaborate in the future.
