Korean Language FanFiction Project

Korean Language FanFiction Project

Academic Year:
2015 - 2016 (June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
The purpose of this grant is to fund the printing of an Anthology of FanFiction authored by students in the third year Korean language course. This project, underway this Winter 2016 semester, is motivating third-year Korean language learners to be engaged in writing and simultaneously enhancing the four elements of language learning: speaking, reading, writing (grammar knowledge), and listening. In particular, the element of writing in a second language acquisition is known to be the most challenging for language learners to improve in a set time frame. Within this limited condition, this research-proven project provides the following opportunities to our learners: motivation, authenticity, multimodal literacy, balanced language learning, and real publication.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The main objective is for the advanced intermediate Korean Language Learners to enhance their writing competency. Therefore, this real-life experience will help the students to interact with Korean reviewers in South Korea through writing. Ultimately, this experience will encourage Korean Language Learners to continue their life-long journey to maintain their interest in learning of the Korean language.

Project Achievements:

This project engaged Korean language learners in more authentic writing practices combined with the other three language teaching and learning elements. According to the interviews with the students after the end of the FanFiction project, the majority of the students had enjoyed interacting with the Korean reviewers on a weekly basis. The Korean language learners were excited about the fact that their stories were understood well by the native Korean speakers. They also appreciated the multiple review processes through which they were able to learn idiomatic Korean expressions. Finally, the most acclaimed comment on the project was that they completed a creative writing project in Korean.

I plan to continue to develop this project by revising the curriculum in alignment with the diverse levels of Korean language learners (Second year through fourth year Korean language courses) and the general curriculum for other languages.
I will conduct research on this project's outcome. After analyzing the data (interviews of Korean language learners, observation, and assessment), I will make presentations at conferences and at the Language Resource Center Language Teaching Forum, fall 2016.