Building Blocks: Propositions Studio Dissemination

Building Blocks: Propositions Studio Dissemination

Academic Year:
2015 - 2016 (June 1, 2015 through May 31, 2016)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
The proposal for the Instructional Development Fund, seeks funding for the dissemination of the research and design work produced by twelve students during the 'Building Blocks' design studio during the Winter 2016 semester. Funding will cover the cost of book printing through the University of Michigan Library Print Services as well as partial travel funding for the faculty member to present the work in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

1. Collection and documentation of student work in the form of a book from a design course that studied new pedagogical approached to early childhood education and architectural space. 2. Review of the work and continued dialogue with the consultant who worked with the students during their trip to Copenhagen.

Project Achievements:

The final book has given the students a collective body of work that they can keep as reference after the course has been completed. In addition the book with be used as a reference for future courses as an example of previous student work. More specifically the documentation is ideal for design courses that are studying school typologies, new pedagogical approaches and how those approaches can be supported by architecture.

The hope is that the project will continue to generate dialogue surrounding architecture and new pedagogies for early childhood education. I would like to continue to work with the consultant who voluntarily provided a workshop for the students in Copenhagen in hopes that we can establish a longer lasting relationship that future students can benefit from.
The dissemination of the work will be through the printing of a book that catalogues the work generated by the students over the course of the semester. Copies of the book with be given to the twelve students who participated in the course as well as copies for the department to use as a reference for future courses.