Organizational psychology: Positive and identity perspectives

Organizational psychology: Positive and identity perspectives

Academic Year:
2017 - 2018 (June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2018)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
Focusing on Organizational Psychology, I include in my teaching both classic and novel theoretical models and empirical findings. My aim is to help students to understand how these models and findings can be applied to enhance employees’ well-being along with organizations’ performance. To secure the scholarly accuracy of my teaching, I base my teaching on research published in high-ranking, peer-reviewed journals. Having access to relevant, up-to-date literature is vital for my courses and for my professional development. With the Development Fund’s grant, I would acquire an annual subscription to the Harvard Business Review (including their online content for teaching) and an annual membership in the Academy of Management (which includes subscriptions to their journals: i.e., the Academy of Management Review, Journal, Perspectives, Learning and Education, Discoveries, and Annals). I’m also applying support to attend the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Chicago in 2018. The AOM Meeting is the most important annual gathering of the Organizational Psychology scholars and educators. At the AOM Meeting, I will co-host the traditional Gathering of the Community of Scholars in Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS). This Gathering attracts around 100 POS scholars from around the world, and engages them in co-creation of ideas on how organizations can elevate the health and well-being of their employees. The insights created in the Gathering, and attending the Meeting’s Professional Development Workshops, presentations, and symposia, will enrich my teaching and scholarship.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The aim of the project was to support my development as a lecturer in organizational psychology. The CRLT grant made it possible for me to attend the annual Academy of Management meeting and engage in learning conversations there with scholars from around the globe on how to teach organizational psychology. The grant also ensured my access to important publications that are not available for the LSA faculty at the university library.

Project Achievements:

The Academy of Management meeting allowed me to both share my ideas, insights, and experiences on teaching organizational psychology and positive organizational psychology, while giving me an opportunity to learn from the experiences of internationally renowned scholars and instructors. Most importantly, I was a round-table host in the Professional Development Workshop (PDW) entitled "Positive Organizational Scholarship to Innovate and Enliven the OB and Management Education". This PDW allowed me to share the design of my seminar on "Positive Organizational Psychology" and receive feedback on it from the audience, while learn from almost 20 faculty members all teaching topics relating to Positive Organizational Scholarship. The CRLT grant also allowed me to secure subscriptions to both Academy of Management publications and to Harvard Business Review. During the past years, I've used this material intensively in my teaching. For instance, Harvard Business Review provides rich examples of cutting-edge organizational practices securing employee well-being and development, while the AOM publications report forefront scholarship in organizational psychology.

I will be a round table host also in this year's Professional Development Workshop (PDW) focusing on Positive Organizational Scholarship at the Academy of Management annual meeting. The conversations that started last year on the best practices in teaching positive organizational scholarship and psychology are continuing there and also via email exchanges within the community brought together in this PDW. I am a member in the organizing committee of the 2019 Positive Organizational Scholarship Research Conference to be held at the University of Michigan in June 2019. In this capacity, I have invited several speakers of the PDW to attend the Research Conference and share their approaches to teaching there. This will benefit all conference attendees who will have an opportunity to learn about the newest developments in teaching Positive Organizational Scholarship and positive organizational psychology.
The possibility to attend the AOM meeting and to have access to the journal subscriptions secured by the CRLT grant have enabled me to learn more both about the research and practice of positive organizational psychology, and I am sharing these insights with my faculty colleagues in our regular discussions on how teach these topics. For instance, I am a member of a group organized by the Center for Positive Organizations and meeting regularly to discuss advances in teaching Positive Organizational Scholarship.