Travel to Germany to research new German 232 course on "Wellness"

Travel to Germany to research new German 232 course on "Wellness"

Academic Year:
2017 - 2018 (June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2018)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
I am requesting funding to support a one week trip to Germany to research and gather materials for a new German 232 course on Wellness. While the term “wellness” is often used in the U.S. and Germany today, this most recent concept of wellness dates back to medical and intellectual movements during the 19th century in Germany. I plan to attend an introductory course on Sebastian Kneipp, who developed a holistic system of health and well-being in the 19th century based on nutrition, exercise, medicinal herbs, hydrotherapy, and physical and mental balance. These topics will form units in the course, and will provide a foundation for comparisons with other wellness practices in Germany today. I also intend to visit several museums to research the historical roots of natural healing. One museum is dedicated to the origins and trajectory of Sebastian Kneipp’s career and is home to an herbal garden designed by Kneipp himself. The German Pharmacy Museum traces the history of healthcare in Germany. Pharmacies play a much different role in Germany than in the United States. Pharmacists offer medical advice and prescribe both pharmaceutical and natural healing products. I plan to research historical and alternative remedies offered by pharmacies. In the German 232 course, I also plan to teach the students about current trends in wellness, including food, exercise, and lifestyle. This trip will allow me to visit wellness establishments to gather materials for instructional use in the classroom.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:

The objective of this project was to travel to Germany to do research and gather materials for a 4th semester German class on Wellness. Research involved attending a three-day course to learn about Sebastian Kneipp's holistic system of health. The other objective was to gather materials on the subject for use in the course.

Project Achievements:

Sebatian Kneipp's holistic system of health will serve as the framework for this course. This system is based on 5 pillars: nutrition, exercise, herbs, mental balance and water therapy. This system will provide a historical context and a framework to look at each of these areas of wellness. Students will hopefully not only improve their German language skills but will also lead them to examine and improve wellness in their own lives.

Yes, this course can be a regular offering in the German Department. The course is being offered for the first time in Fall 2018 - it is already full and has a waiting list which demonstrates the interest in the topic.
All course materials will be made available on a Canvas site for German instructors so anyone in the department will have access to all materials and activities.