The U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate (GTC) offers graduate students at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor campus) an opportunity to document professional development as college-level instructors and prepare for a faculty job search.
The Certificate documents professional development in five areas:
- orientation to college-level teaching and learning
- exposure to new teaching strategies through seminars and courses
- experience as a Graduate Student Instructor, including a consultation on teaching
- mentorship on teaching from a faculty member
- preparation of a teaching philosophy statement
Participants who complete all program requirements receive a U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate. The Certificate does not appear on official U-M transcripts, but may be included on your curriculum vitae.
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Why complete the program?
Certificate recipients report that the program:
- gave them the skills and knowledge to enhance their teaching
- increased their confidence in their teaching ability
- increased their confidence in their ability to discuss teaching during job interviews
Note: A U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate is not a teaching license or credential for K-12 instruction from the State of Michigan.
image credit, pen and notebook: "Be seeing you" by Oliver Hammond on Flickr (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)