Introduction to Program

Course Type:
U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate


We're excited to announce that we're upgrading the system for the University of Michigan's Graduate Teacher Certificate (GTC) program. This upgrade is part of our continuous effort to provide an enhanced experience for our graduate students. Because of this, requirement submissions through the website will be paused until July 29. Please email [email protected] to submit documentation or for any inquiries.


What is a Graduate Teacher Certificate?

The U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate (GTC) offers graduate students at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor campus) an opportunity to document professional development as college-level instructors and prepare for a faculty job search.

The certificate documents graduate students’ professional development as college-level instructors in five areas:

  1. Orientation to College Teaching and Student Learning
  2. Learning About Teaching
  3. Instructional Practice
  4. Mentorship on Teaching
  5. Reflection on Institutional Practice

Participants who complete all program requirements receive a U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate. The Certificate does not appear on official U-M transcripts but may be included on your curriculum vitae. 

Why complete the program?

Certificate recipients report that the program

  • gave them the skills and knowledge to enhance their teaching
  • increased their confidence in their teaching ability
  • increased their confidence in their ability to discuss teaching during job interviews

Note: A U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate is not a teaching license or credential for K-12 instruction from the State of Michigan. 


If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].