
Final Reports
Gilbert Whitaker Fund for the Improvement of Teaching
Project Title Applicant(s) Actions
Scarlett Middle School Summer Program for ESL Teaching Interns and Adolescent English Language Learners
Developing a Framework for Hands-On Collaborations between Engineering and Medical Students on Open-Ended Projects
Amy Cohn
Michelle Macy
Medical School
Faculty Seminar on Critical Issues in the Translation Classroom
Leveraging Technology to Develop Collaborative Communities of Inquiry in Social Work Education
Mary Ruffolo
Social Work
Elizabeth Voshel
Social Work
Enriching Undergraduate Environmental Science Education in the Rockies
Portable Physiology Computer Lab: Enhancing Student Learning of Physiology and Computational Modeling
Elizabeth Rust
Medical School
Santiago Schnell
Medical School
The School of Kinesiology Curriculum Reform Project
Michigan Learning Communities Collaborative Assessment Project
Assessment of Student Learning in First-Year Writing Requirement Courses
Introducing Intercultural Competence Through Case Studies
Redesigning Clinical Skill Training through Technology
A University-Community Social and Environmental Justice Film and Discussion Series: Diverse, Interdisciplinary Learning Experiences for Students through the Integration of Classroom Study and Community Engagement
James Crowfoot
Environment and Sustainability
Thinking and Teaching in Global Dimensions: A Joint Proposal for A May Seminar
Bob Bain
Interdisciplinary Design Education Strategies
Shanna Daly
Sculpting Light Sculpting Space
Cynthia Pachikara
Art & Design
Tsz Yan Ng
Architecture and Urban Planning
Preparing for Leadership in the Nonprofit Sector in the US: An Opportunity for Service Learning
John Tropman
Social Work