Leveraging Technology to Develop Collaborative Communities of Inquiry in Social Work Education

Leveraging Technology to Develop Collaborative Communities of Inquiry in Social Work Education

Academic Year:
2011 - 2012 (June 1, 2011 through May 31, 2012)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
This innovative initiative will use a range of technologies to offer blended learning opportunities that combine web-based e-learning with periodic in-person class sessions to assess student attainment of professional social work practice behaviors over the course of their program. Using as a guide the Anderson (2008) model of online learning, the initiative will facilitate the development of a community of inquiry that involves students, field instructors and classroom instructors learning together, and will incorporate communication (asynchronous and synchronous), paced collaborative learning, independent development of products and structured learning resources. The innovative initiative builds on the integrative learning and e-portfolio activities already in place at the School of Social Work (SSW). Since 2004, the SSW has piloted optional courses that involved developing e-portfolios focusing on integrative learning (combining classroom learning and field internship learning). In the preliminary evaluations of these courses, it is clear that students who engage in developing e-portfolios that integrate classroom learning with field internship learning are better able to articulate what skills they have demonstrated and how these skills will continue to be enhanced in their emerging professional career. Instructors can view artifacts that students have developed in their portfolios to assess the degree to which students have met core professional practice behaviors. To date, this pilot work has been limited to approximately 60 students a year. The mechanism to assess demonstration of professional practice behaviors and to link these to student-centered outcomes-based program assessments has not been adequately developed yet. The current format for integrative learning requires significant instructor feedback and peer interactions. With the emergence of a range of technologies that can help bring to scale integrative learning and outcome based assessments, the SSW in this proposal is seeking to develop web-based learning tools to help us expand our pilot work and bring integrative learning methods using e-portfolios to scale. To meet this demand, we want to develop and evaluate a blended learning program that guides students through the process of portfolio development using technology to support this initiative. We need to adapt our current classroom-based portfolio pedagogy to a model that leverages new technologies and expands the activities, contexts, and processes in which students engage. Students in the MSW program spend more time out of the classroom than in one, and would benefit from technological tools that allow them to capture learning in the moment and context in which it happens. This program must also facilitate the participation of instructional staff guiding students through this process, including faculty, lecturers and staff in SSW, field instructors in several hundred sites across Southeast Michigan, SSW alumni, and members of the community at large. Technological tools will allow us to connect all of the educators that guide MSW students through the program, and will allow students to connect their field and classroom experiences to each other.
Final Report Fields
Project Objectives:
1. To introduce MSW students, faculty and field instructors to the concepts of integrative learning, portfolio thinking, and e-portfolio development. 2. To engage students in peer teams to engage in generative dialogue and exchange feedback on portfolio content.3. Develop online interactive tutorials that allow students to develop portfolio content and reflect on key learning experiences and competencies.4. Leverage the Google Sites web design tool for creating and publishing the electronic portfolio.
Project Achievements:
1. Conducted focus groups with field instructors and faculty about integrative learning methods and the use of technology to support learning in the classroom and outside the classroom.2. Developed online tutorials for students focusing on integrative learning and e-portfolio development. The 5 online tutorials include: 1)an overview of integrative learning and e-portfolio development; 2) developing a professional philosophy; 2) capturing key learning experiences; 4) visioning and 5) putting the e-portfolio together and preparing for the job search.3. Developedof an online tutorial for faculty that highlights integrative learning and ways to incorporate the online tutorials in course assignments and activities. This online tutorial was distributed to faculty at the start of the Fall 2012 term.4. The online modules are being used in 7 special capstone seminars and in the foundation field seminar for all 20 month MSW students in Fall 2012. Peer teams and feedback opportunities are occurring in each of these seminars. To date over 200 students are involved in the use of online modules and the integrative learning processes.
We have submitted for a Whitaker II grant to continue this initiative. The current project grant period does not end until August 31, 2013. We plan to focus in the Winter 2013 and Summer 2013 terms on additional outreach to field instructors and faculty and expanding the use of the online tutorials to all 16 month students.
The dissemination process is ongoing and involves reports to the SSW Curriculum Committee, the faculty at curriculum meetings and to field instructors at conferences. We also plan to publish this work in peer reviewed journals focusing on social work education.