From the CRLT Blog

Matthew Kaplan Appointed CRLT Executive Director

July 30, 2015
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Dr. Kaplan

We are very pleased to share the news that Matthew Kaplan has been appointed Executive Director of CRLT.

Matt's appointment culminates a long evaluation and planning process for CRLT, which included internal and external reviews as well as a national search for a director with an inspiring vision for the Center's future. Candidates were invited to speak on "The Future of a Teaching Center in a Research University," and Matt's talk highlighted the importance of CRLT's interconnectedness. Defining the center's role as "cooperative leadership," he foregrounded our crucial collaborative relationships with partners on campus as well as our connections with the work of other university teaching centers both nationally and internationally. 

Matt brings to the Executive Director position over twenty years of experience in educational development, during which he has published widely on topics related to teaching and learning, faculty development, and teaching center administration. He has also held leadership roles in POD Network, the national professional organization for educational developers in higher ed, and is recognized as a key expert by teaching center colleagues nationally. He also knows our center and university very well, having worked at CRLT since 1994 and served as CRLT's interim director since January of 2014.

We all look forward to Matt's continued leadership as we further CRLT's mission of collaborating with campus partners to support excellent, innovative teaching and cultivate learning environments where diverse students and faculty can thrive. 

For more details on the search and appointment, see this University Record article.