
Final Reports
Gilbert Whitaker Fund for the Improvement of Teaching
Project Title Applicant(s) Actions
Summer Writing Workshops for Engineering Graduate Students
Sarah Burcon
Engineering - Technical Communication
Katie Snyder
Engineering - Technical Communication
LSA - Comprehensive Studies
MBot-ROS: Flexible and scalable mobile robot platform to support robotics coursework at Michigan and beyond
Katherine Skinner
Engineering - Robotics
Engineering - Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Peter Gaskell
Engineering - Robotics
Abhishek Narula
Engineering - Robotics
Student-centered re-design of Earth 223, Introductory Oceanography Laboratory
Michela Arnaboldi
LSA - Earth and Environmental Sciences
LSA - Program in the Environment (PitE)
Environment and Sustainability (SEAS)
Developing DEIJ Sample Assignments for ENGR 100
Katie Snyder
Engineering - Technical Communication
LSA - Comprehensive Studies
Christianne Myers
Music, Theatre & Dance
Rob Murphy
Music, Theatre & Dance
Nancy Uffner-Elliott
Music, Theatre & Dance
Improving Directed Self-Placement
Tessa Tinkle
LSA - Sweetland Center for Writing
LSA - English Language and Literature
Naomi Silver
LSA - Sweetland Center for Writing
Colleen LaPere
LSA - Sweetland Center for Writing
Arts-based Social Justice Practice: Course Development
Rogerio Pinto
Social Work
Social Work
A holistic approach to calibrating clinical dental faculty for assessments that support a “growth mind-set”
Virtual Anatomy
Glenn Fox
Medical School
B. Kathleen Alsup
Medical School
Debriefing Training for Healthcare Learners: Learning to Process Distressing Events Together
Nasuh Malas
Medical School
Kelcey Stratton
Medical School
Janice Firn
Medical School
Hospitals and Health Centers
Kathleen Robertson
Medical School
Katie Feder
Medical School
Patricia Keefer
Medical School
Moving Forward with a Backward Design: Revision of German 221/231
Mary Gell
LSA - Germanic Languages and Literatures