B. Learning about teaching

Resource Title:
GTC: B. Learning about teaching
Course Type:
graduate teacher certificate orientation graduate teacher certificate learning graduate teacher certificate practice graduate teacher certificate mentorship graduate teacher certificate reflection
A. Orientation to College Teaching & Student Learning B. Learning About Teaching C. Instructional Practice D. Mentorship on Teaching E. Reflection on Instructional Practice


To explore learning about teaching at U-M, participants must complete one of the following:

B1: Successfully complete a U-M course on college teaching or one of the non-credit bearing programs listed below.

Credit Bearing Courses

Classes that meet this requirement include:

  1. AAPTIS 837
  2. AL 445
  3. AMCULT 828
  4. BA 830 & 831
  5. CHEM 550/EDUC554
  6. COMM 993
  7. DANCE 571
  8. EDUC 591
  9. EDUC 708/PSYCH 958 - Cognition & Instruction in the Classroom*
  10. EDUC 710/PSYCH 958 - Learning, Thinking, and Problem Solving*
  11. EDUC 720
  12. EDUC 737 - Selected sections**
  13. EDUC 790
  14. EDUC 834
  15. EEB/MCDB 494
  16. ELI 994 (ELI 994 also satisfies Requirement A)
  17. ENGLISH 695
  18. ENGR 580/CHE 580
  19. GERMAN 531
  20. GERMAN 531/EdD 431
  21. HIST 808 & 809
  22. HIST 809
  23. HIST 812
  24. LATIN 421
  25. MT 590
  26. MUSED 595
  27. MUSICOL 509
  28. PIBS 505
  29. POLSCI 993
  30. ROMLANG 528
  31. ROMLANG 538
  32. SI 549
  33. Sociology 993
  34. STATS 993
  35. SW 868
  36. SWC/WRITING 993 (Fall 2012 and later)
  37. WGS 698

"Successful completion" of a course means receiving a final grade of B or better or receiving a "satisfactory (S)" grade in a pass/fail course. One-credit U-M departmental 993 courses may not be used to satisfy Requirement B, learning about teaching, but may satisfy Requirement A if they satisfy the requirements specified for orientations to college teaching and learning.

Various units across campus offer 3-credit courses on college teaching and learning. To determine which courses are being offered, please check with individual departments. If a course does not appear on the above list, you may petition to add the course by sending the syllabus to [email protected].

*Other special topics under PSYCH 958 do not automatically qualify.

**Sections of EDUC 737 that focus on college level teaching qualify for the certificate. Sections that focus on higher ed administration, K-12 teaching, or other topics do not qualify. Prior to taking EDUC 737 to fulfill requirement B, please send the syllabus and reading list.

Non-Credit Bearing Programs
  1. The Preparing Future Faculty Seminar is held each year in May and accepts applications in February. Co-sponsored by Rackham Graduate School and CRLT, the five-week seminar meets every Tuesday and Thursday morning. It fulfills requirement B and generates a teaching philosophy that may be submitted in fulfillment of requirement E. See also reflections from a former participant.
  2. The Five-Session Training for Diversity and Inclusive Teaching is co-sponsored by CRLT and The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR). This series allows participants to both learn about and practice a range of effective facilitation strategies for use in U-M's diverse classrooms. The program is usually offered once a year during the fall term.
  3. The Community Engaged Course Design Workshop is a semester-long community-based learning (CBL) training program that promotes excellence in undergraduate teaching and graduate student professional development. Co-sponsored by Rackham Graduate School and LSA's Center for Engaged Academic Learning, the program consists of a series of eight 2-hour workshops, plus a final symposium. Please visit the link for more information and application deadlines. 
  4. LSA faculty and department graduate or undergraduate chairs may nominate GSIs who have taught or are interested in teaching courses that satisfy the college’s Race & Ethnicity requirement to take part in and LSA R&E Learning Communities that meet for four 2-hour sessions.


B2: Attend five CRLT, departmental, or disciplinary workshops on teaching and learning. 

Requirement Details

At least one of the five workshops must focus on:

  • equitable/inclusive teaching practices (DEI) OR
  • using instructional technology

Other B2 considerations:

  1. To count toward B2, sessions must be at least 60 minutes in duration and focus explicitly on development of teaching skills (e.g., a workshop on developing a statement of teaching philosophy does not satisfy Requirement B2).
  2. Instructional technology workshops must focus on how the technology can be applied to teaching strategies or improving student learning. Instructional technology workshops that focus only on how to use the basic functionality of hardware or software DO NOT satisfy the requirement.
  3. Participants must attend workshops in their entirety to satisfy the requirement.
  4. Participants are not required to attend all five workshops during the same semester.
  5. If you attend a B2 event presented by CRLT, please wait one month to see this event appear on your dashboard.
  6. To document a workshop not presented by CRLT, please submit a brief description using the B2 form on your dashboard.
  7. CRLT does not maintain a list of current departmental workshops on teaching and learning. Please check with individual departments regarding their offerings.
  8. Documentation for U-M workshops and courses completed prior to enrollment in the U-M Graduate Teachers Certificate program may be submitted.



CRLT & CRLT in Engineering Seminar Series (upcoming events)
Each semester, CRLT and CRLT-Engin offer GSIs interactive workshops, solidly grounded in the research on teaching and learning and designed to offer practical suggestions that GSIs can incorporate into their classrooms. Seminars include sessions on inclusive teaching and instructional technology. For past eligible seminars and workshops in reverse chronological order, please consult: https://crlt.umich.edu/events_eligible_for_certificate

Enriching Scholarship
The U-M Teaching and Technology Collaborative offers pedagogical workshops for one week each May that explore the effective integration of technology with teaching and learning. Workshops focusing on teaching methods (often sponsored by CRLT), do fulfill Certificate requirements. Workshops only on how to use the basic functionality of hardware or software or using technology for research DO NOT fulfill Certificate requirements. Please submit a B2 form from your dashboard to document your participation in eligible workshops.