How to participate in the U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate Program
1. Enroll in the program
Click on the "Enroll in program" link in the navigation menu to the left of this page. Log in using your kerberos passward. Answer all the questions and click on submit. Now you are enrolled in the program and may submit documentation for professional development activities using the links in the "My Porfolio" page found in the menu on the left.
2. Complete requirement(s)
You may complete the requirements in any order. However, it may be most beneficial to complete requirement E, Reflection on Instructional Practice, last because this reflective exercise is an opportunity to synthesize and integrate your entire experience in the Certificate program.
3. Submit documentation
For requirements completed with CRLT, including CRLT's GSI Teaching Orientations, ELI994, CRLT workshops, and CRLT consultations, these items will automatically be added to your portfolio. Most items will be added within a couple days of the event, but items from CRLT in engineering may not be added until the end of the semester. If you think a CRLT workshop or event is missing please email [email protected].
- Read more about Instructions