
Final Reports
Internationalizing the Curriculum (ITC)
Project Title Applicant(s) Actions
Beyond M-Compass: Preparing Medical Students for International Experiences
Brent Williams
Medical School
Romance Languages and Literatures and School of Nursing Promoting Oral Proficiency
CHINA STUDIO: Designing New and Alternative Urban/Rural Environments
Mary Ray
Architecture and Urban Planning
International Disability Arts: Archival and Hands-on Research Skills in the Contemporary World
Investigating Student Learning Grant (ISL)
Project Title Applicant(s) Actions
Remaining Human: Using Literature and Cinema to Teach Professionalism
kate stanley
Medical School
Enhancing student learning in mechanics through the development and implementation of a concept guide
Allen Liu
Engineering - Mechanical Engineering
Engineering - Biomedical Engineering
LSA - Biophysics
Medical School
Enhancing pediatric resident competency in motivational interviewing and behavior change counseling
Nasuh Malas
Medical School
Investigating Students’ Communication, Collaboration, and Self-Agency in Their Understanding and Application of Core Teaching Practices
Extension of the Problem Roulette Library to include student contributed/generated solutions in Stats 250
Assessing the Impact of Cross-Disciplinary, Project-Focused, Action-Based Immersive Learning Experiences in Healthcare and Engineering
Amy Cohn
Michelle Macy
Medical School
Towards a global virtual community of female engineering students and professionals
Aline Cotel
Comparing oral and traditional assessments in math content courses for pre-service elementary teachers
Nina White
LSA - Mathematics
Virtual software to personalize student learning in a required pharmacy course
Dental Students Apply Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) to Clinical Scenarios: Developing, Enhancing, and Assessing Skills
Tae-Ju Oh
Investigating the Relationships of Student Engineering Team Size and Make-up with Project Success and Team Satisfaction
Robin Fowler
Engineering - Technical Communication
Developing an Introductory Biology Preparation Assessment Tool
Laura Olsen
LSA - Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Learning from cases in a large, web-blended class-- Nursing 527
Anne Sales
Medical School
A Qualitative Study of Underrepresented Minority Students Pre-Med Education and Experiences
Adrianne Haggins
Medical School
Helen Morgan
Medical School