
Final Reports
Instructional Development Fund (IDF)
Project Title Applicant(s) Actions
Living with diabetes: a student experience to enhance knowledge and assess attitudes
Teaching with Curriculum Materials Library Development
Gina Cervetti
Design & Build Portable Shelter for Ann Arbor’s Camp Take Notice
Roland Graf
Art & Design
Quantitative Methods Across the Social Sciences
Josh Pasek
LSA - Communication and Media
LSA - Political Science
Facilitating the Use of Records of Practice in Support of Teacher Learning
Kara Suzuka
Coaching Renaissance musical instruments
Stefano Mengozzi
Music, Theatre & Dance
Manuscripts to Movies: Teaching Medieval Literature with FinalCutPro
Puppet Workshop
Christianne Myers
Music, Theatre & Dance
Take-­‐Home Control Experiment
Dawn Tilbury
Instructional Development Fund for Teaching Oral Radiology
Wisam Al-Rawi
Captions for Video Tutorials
Rebekah Modrak
Art & Design
"What is History? Thinking Through the Past"
Seminar Actors Small Grant Proposal
Mobile Character Trainer App for First-Year Chinese
Initiate Change in Community Health Education
Francesca Brittan, Guest Lecturer forMusic Theory 405/Comparative Literature 492 “The Fantastic in Music and Literature”
Internationalizing the Curriculum (ITC)
Project Title Applicant(s) Actions
International and Comparative Education: Globalization, conflict, and development
Practice in Technology and Community Sustainable Development
Jose Alfaro
Environment and Sustainability
Program Enhancement and Curriculum Integration for Global Theatre and Ethnic Studies Minor
Anita Gonzalez
Music, Theatre & Dance
Transatlantic Connections: Restaging Richard Alston's Choreography
Angela Kane
Music, Theatre & Dance
Updating and expanding Business Arabic textbook and existing Business Arabic courses in a web-based environment