Event Sort ascending Dates Short Description
Using Technology for Global Learning
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

imported from FileMaker Pro on 6/4/2013

Using Student Teams in Engineering Classes
Requirement B2

imported from FileMaker Pro on 6/4/2013

Using Screencasting Technology to Engage Students and Gauge Their Understanding
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

imported from FileMaker Pro on 6/4/2013

Using Personal Response Systems to Promote ctive Learning in Large Classes
Requirement B2

imported from FileMaker Pro on 6/4/2013

Using Learning Analytics to Measure Out-of-Class Learning: U-M Learning Communities and Medical School Study Resources -
Not eligible for Certificate

Presentation #1: Exploring the Impact of Michigan Learning Communities
Presentation #2: “What we do may not always be good for us”: Analytics of Michigan Medical Students’ Histology Study Strategies and Learning…

Using IT to Foster Student Understanding: Creative Uses of PowerPoint and Collaborative Notetaking (Graduate Students Only)
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

imported from FileMaker Pro on 6/4/2013

Using Instructional Technology to Engage Students
Requirement B2

imported from FileMaker Pro on 6/4/2013

Using hypothes.is for Class Discussion and Participation -
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

Please click here to register.

How might social annotation help teachers support classroom discussion and participation? In this workshop, participants will learn about…

Using Groups Effectively in Engineering and Science: CRLT Players
Requirement B2

imported from FileMaker Pro on 6/4/2013

Using Digital Tools to Facilitate Student Collaboration *SESSION FULL -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

This workshop is now full.

The location of this workshop has changed to Palmer Commons - Great Lakes North - 4th Floor.

Please bring a charged device with you if you would…

Using Digital Tools to Facilitate Student Collaboration -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

Please bring a charged device with you if you would like to explore the digital tools discussed during the session.

In this interactive session, participants will learn about and engage with digital…

Using Canvas to Support Effective Teaching -

As U-M transitions to a new learning management system, instructors have raised questions about the ways in which Canvas will support their current practices or enable them to adapt new teaching strategies that will benefit student learning.  In…

Using Analytics to Inform Instruction -

Please click here to register.

Canvas and other instructional technology tools generate data every time students and instructors interact with them -- data that can potentially be a powerful tool for informing instructors about their…

Using Active and Cooperative Learning in Large Classes
Requirement B2

imported from FileMaker Pro on 6/4/2013

University of Michigan New Faculty Orientation - August 27, 2014 -
Not eligible for Certificate
Understanding How Stereotype Threat, Impostor Syndrome, and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning (Inclusive Teaching @ Michigan Series) -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This session is full.

Research shows that when students worry about fulfilling a negative stereotype related to certain social identities, it can hurt their learning (a phenomenon known as stereotype threat). Research also shows that an…

Understanding How Stereotype Threat, Impostor Syndrome, and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs, Undergraduate Students, Everyone
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Session Format: Remote synchronous (Zoom)

Intended Audience: Faculty, Graduate Students, UG Instructional Assistants, Postdocs, Admin/Staff

Facilitators: Audra Baleisis, Deborah…

Understanding How Stereotype Threat, Impostor Syndrome, and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning -
Requirement B2

Session Format: In Person

Intended Audience: Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs, UG Instructional Assistants, Admin/Staff

Session Abstract: Research shows that when students…

Understanding How Stereotype Threat, Imposter Syndrome, and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Research shows that when students worry about fulfilling a negative stereotype related to certain social identities, it can hurt their learning (a phenomenon known as stereotype threat). Research also shows that an instructor’s beliefs about…

Understanding How Stereotype Threat and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning *Session Full -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This session is full. There will be an identical session held on Friday, November 10th. If you are interested in this event please see Understanding How Stereotype Threat and Growth Mindset…

Understanding How Stereotype Threat and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning *New Session -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Research shows that when students worry about fulfilling a negative stereotype related to certain social identities, it can hurt their learning (a phenomenon known as stereotype threat). Research also shows that an instructor’s beliefs about…

Understanding How Stereotype Threat and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Research shows that when students worry about fulfilling a negative stereotype related to certain social identities, it can hurt their learning (a phenomenon known as stereotype threat). Research also shows that an instructor’s beliefs about…

Understanding How Stereotype Threat and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Research shows that when students worry about fulfilling a negative stereotype related to certain social identities, it can hurt their learning (a phenomenon known as stereotype threat). Research also shows that an instructor’s beliefs about…

Understanding How Stereotype Threat and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Research shows that when students worry about fulfilling a negative stereotype related to certain social identities, it can hurt their learning (a phenomenon known as stereotype threat). Research also shows that an instructor’s beliefs about…

Understanding "Nontraditional" Student Experiences in and out of U-M classrooms (panel conversation) -

This panel conversation will feature commentary and resources from individuals across the university who support the success of students with a diverse range of identities, backgrounds and experiences that may not be readily visible. This…