Event Dates Short Description
Enriching Scholarship: How to Make a Large Course Small for Your Students -
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

As universities move towards increasing enrollments and class sizes, challenges of large classrooms will become more prevalent.  We will begin by discussing student…

Inclusive Teaching @ Michigan Series - Teaching With Technology: How Can I Include All Students? -
Requirement B2

This workshop is also part of the Enriching Scholarship series.

In this workshop, we will explore the intersection of technology and inclusive teaching. Participants will discuss the inadvertent assumptions about students' bodies and…

Enriching Scholarship 2016 Poster Fair
Not eligible for Certificate

2016 Enriching Scholarship conference registration opens April 4

Tenth Annual Research and Scholarship in Engineering Education Poster Fair -
Not eligible for Certificate

Many faculty and graduate students across the university are engaged in scholarly work in the field of engineering education. At this poster session, colleagues will share their research and scholarship on a variety of topics including…

CRLT Players Performance: Distress Signals -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2
This workshop asks instructors to consider their roles and responsibilities in supporting students who face mental health challenges. Built around two scenarios that present situations and dynamics teachers commonly encounter with their…
Frameworks for Groups: Making Teamwork Work -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2
Effective use of groups in the classroom can increase student learning and enhance students' problem solving abilities, if instructors ensure that all students are engaged and included. In this session, participants will explore research-based…
Campus Climate in Your Classroom -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This session focuses on ways faculty and GSIs, through their classroom teaching, can contribute to a welcoming campus climate for a diverse range of students at U-M. Specifically, participants will develop their skills for preventing, identifying…

Canvas Faculty Learning Community: Advanced Discussion -
Not eligible for Certificate
This workshop has been cancelled due to low registration. If you would like the opportunity to schedule a private consultation to discuss Canvas, as it relates to…
Encore Session of Advanced Practices for Inclusive Teaching -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Due to large enrollment in the February 18th session, CRLT is offering this encore workshop of Advanced Practices for Inclusive Teaching.

Using teaching methods that effectively engage all students within a classroom is of ongoing…

Using Technology to Check Student Understanding and Provide Feedback: An Online Workshop -
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology
In this online workshop, you will explore technologies that can be used to help check student understanding and provide feedback on student learning. You will have the option to explore these tools in the context of teaching concept based…
Advanced Practices for Inclusive Teaching -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This session is over-subscribed. We are offering a second session of Advanced Practices for Inclusive Teaching on March 3, 1:30-3:30 pm.

Teaching for Student Retention in Engineering: What Can GSIs Do? -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2
Extensive research on why students leave engineering suggests that individual instructors can play a key role in supporting and retaining a diverse student body. In this workshop, specific classroom strategies and teaching behaviors that…
Preventing and Addressing Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom -
Not eligible for Certificate

An event co-sponsored by the office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Education

Disrespectful treatment of other students, interruptions of faculty presentations, viewing of inappropriate websites during class: many faculty have felt…
Tools First: How Can Emerging Digital Scholarship Tools Inspire Your Teaching? -
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

In this workshop, Justin Schell, head of the new Design Lab in Shapiro Library, will give an overview of a variety of emerging digital scholarship tools and…

Canvas for Effective Teaching -

As U-M transitions to a new learning management system, instructors have raised questions about the ways in which Canvas will support their current practices or enable them to adapt new teaching strategies that will benefit student learning.  In…

Active Learning Laboratory: Advanced Practice Teaching -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2
Choice of four sessions, February 3 & 4, 2016.
This session offers an opportunity to practice active learning techniques by presenting a lesson to a 
small peer group. In advance, participants review…
Facilitating Discussions in the Social Sciences and Humanities -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2

How can I heighten student participation in my sections? What are different ways I can plan a discussion and ask questions of students? How can I enhance students’ critical thinking skills? This seminar will provide GSIs in social science and…

Spicing Up Teaching to Improve Student Learning -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2

Creating a productive learning environment where students are engaged in critical thinking and problem solving can be challenging. In this session, participants will explore research-based teaching practices that can enhance student learning and…

Canvas Faculty Learning Community: Getting to Know Canvas -
Not eligible for Certificate

This Canvas Faculty Learning Community (FLC) is intended for faculty who are new users of Canvas and will consist of 3 unique sessions. Each session will be offered twice in the same week, on a Wednesday morning and a Thursday afternoon. Please…

Canvas for GSIs: Pedagogies and Practicalities -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

This is a hands-on session showcasing the Canvas learning management system that GSIs might use in their classrooms. We'll start off with an overview of Canvas. Next, we'll have two segments where GSIs can choose one of the Canvas features and…

Writing and Grading Exams: An Online Workshop -
Requirement B2

Workshop goals

In this online workshop, you will learn about evidence-based practices for designing effective tests and exams. Specifically, you will:

  • reflect upon…

Sharing Our Work: Key Insights from Faculty Communities for Inclusive Teaching (poster session) -
Not eligible for Certificate

Learn about the wide range of projects sponsored by the…

Using Canvas to Support Effective Teaching -

As U-M transitions to a new learning management system, instructors have raised questions about the ways in which Canvas will support their current practices or enable them to adapt new teaching strategies that will benefit student learning.  In…

Teaching Lessons From the Fortune 500: Strategies for the Engineering Classroom -
Not eligible for Certificate

Canvas for GSIs: Pedagogies and Practicalities -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

This is a hands-on session showcasing the Canvas learning management system that GSIs might use in their classrooms. We'll start off with an overview of Canvas. Next, we'll have two segments where GSIs can choose one of features of Canvas and…