Event Dates Short Description
Blended Course Design: A Faculty Learning Community (Session 3) -
Not eligible for Certificate

If you’ve ever wished for more classroom time to support student learning or looked for ways to support the learning needs of a diverse student population, consider bringing blended learning to your classroom. Blended classrooms integrate online…

Motivating Engineering Students: Strategies to Increase Engagement -
Requirement B2

Are your students off-task, apathetic, or absent? Do you want to stimulate their intellectual curiosity? In this interactive workshop, you will identify specific teaching strategies to better engage and motivate your students.

Understanding How Stereotype Threat and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning *Session Full -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This session is full. There will be an identical session held on Friday, November 10th. If you are interested in this event please see Understanding How Stereotype Threat and Growth Mindset…

Teaching with Technology: Incorporating Digital Media *Session Full -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

This workshop is full.

This interactive workshop will offer an overview of various digital media-related technologies (e.g., Jing, YouTube, MiVideo) that can be used as pedagogical tools in-and-outside…

If You Build It, They will Break It: Undergraduate Students’ Novel Use of Study Technologies -
Not eligible for Certificate

Instructional technologies are often implemented by instructors with a singular purpose in mind like information delivery or assessment of student learning. Regardless of intention, students adopt and reconfigure these tools to suit their needs…

Creating Accessible Learning Environments *Session Full -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This session is full.

Students bring a diversity of needs to our classroom. Teaching with accessibility in mind can help us include and accommodate them all. In this session you will learn how to incorporate inclusive…

Gameful Learning Community of Practice (Session 2) -
Not eligible for Certificate

Gameful learning is a pedagogical approach that takes inspiration from how good games function and applies that to the design of learning environments. Gameful is grounded in  self-determination theory to build student autonomy,…

Teaching the Whole Student: Integrating Heart, Mind, and Spirit in Our Pedagogy -
Not eligible for Certificate

A panel of authors from the recently published book, Teaching the Whole Student: Engaged Learning with Heart, Mind, and Spirit (Stylus Press), representing LSA (IGR, MCSP, PiTE, Sociology, Sweetland), SEAS, Social Work (CASC),…

Faculty of Color Teaching in the Graduate Seminar -
Not eligible for Certificate

This session will explore the challenges and possibilities of teaching graduate seminar courses as faculty of color, particularly for untenured instructors. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with senior faculty who have taught and…

Teaching to Retain Students in Engineering: What Can GSIs Do? -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2

Research suggests that individual instructors play a key role in retaining a diverse engineering student body. In this workshop, you will learn specific classroom strategies and teaching behaviors that improve student success as well as hear…

Implementing Inclusive Teaching Principles in Your Courses *New Session -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This workshop is full!

Research on teaching and learning highlights the importance of an explicitly inclusive classroom climate for student learning. This includes the value of learning collaboratively with diverse peers…

Perspectives on Teaching: A Faculty Panel -
Graduate Students
Not eligible for Certificate

Get answers to your questions and discuss a variety of teaching concerns including how to get students actively involved in class, deal with disruptive students, work effectively in instructional teams, and teach effectively in different class…

Managing Academic Identities in Digital Spaces -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

This interactive workshop explores strategies to facilitate meaningful academic exchanges with students and colleagues in digital spaces. Through a series of activities, participants will consider issues of privacy, copyright, accessibility, and…

Campus Climate in Your Classroom: Responding to Student Microaggressions -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This session is full. There will be annother identical session held on 11/8 from 10am-12pm. If you are interested in attending this event please see Campus Climate in Your Classroom: Responding…

Blended Course Design: A Faculty Learning Community (Session 2) -
Not eligible for Certificate

If you’ve ever wished for more classroom time to support student learning or looked for ways to support the learning needs of a diverse student population, consider bringing blended learning to your classroom. Blended classrooms integrate online…

Active Learning Laboratory: Advanced Practice Teaching -
Requirement B2

This session offers an opportunity to practice active learning techniques by presenting a lesson to a small peer group. In advance, participants review short online videos about active learning. Then, participants plan and deliver a 10-minute…

Creating Accessible Learning Environments -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This session is full. There will be annother identical session held on 11/1 from 1pm-3pm. If you are interested in attending this event please see Creating Accessible Learning Environments (…

Developing Your Teaching Philosophy -
Graduate Students
Not eligible for Certificate
Many academic employers require a teaching philosophy statement as part of the application process. In this interactive session, we will discuss research on hiring committees’ use of teaching philosophy statements, examine sample philosophies,…
It’s Time for Action: Generating an Active Learning Plan -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2

Creating a plan to engage students in active learning can be challenging. In this workshop, you will learn about a variety of active learning techniques then begin to formulate a plan for implementing active learning in your own course.

Writing a Diversity Statement -
Graduate Students
Not eligible for Certificate

Increasingly, employers are interested in how prospective employees will contribute to organizational goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a result, many academic employers have begun to request a diversity statement as part of the…

Gameful Learning Community of Practice (Session 1) -
Not eligible for Certificate

Gameful learning is a pedagogical approach that takes inspiration from how good games function and applies that to the design of learning environments. Gameful is grounded in self-determination theory to build student autonomy,…

Consulting on Teaching Philosophies -
Graduate Students
Not eligible for Certificate

This workshop is designed to give participants a framework for evaluating and consulting with GSIs on the development of their statement of teaching philosophy. Using examples and the CRLT rubric, participants will have the opportunity to…

Blended Course Design: A Faculty Learning Community (Session 1) -
Not eligible for Certificate

If you’ve ever wished for more classroom time to support student learning or looked for ways to support the learning needs of a diverse student population, consider bringing blended learning to your classroom. Blended classrooms integrate online…

Observing Classes and Conducting Midterm Student Feedbacks (MSFs) -
Not eligible for Certificate

This workshop is designed to give GSMs and GSI Coordinators a framework for observing their GSIs' classes and collecting student feedback. Using role plays and interactive activities, participants will learn how to set up classroom visits,…

Teaching at U-M as an International Lecturer -
Not eligible for Certificate

This workshop is designed to give international lecturers an introduction to teaching at U-M. Participants will hear from experienced lecturers and learn about a range of pedagogical resources available to them. In addition, participants will…