Event Dates Short Description
GSI Training Networking Lunch -
Not eligible for Certificate

This session does NOT count for GSIs looking to make up missed orienation training. 

This lunch program provides a great opportunity for Graduate Student Mentors (GSMs) and others who directly support GSI training and…

What's at Stake: Instructor and Student Identities in the R&E Classroom - Focus on Faculty & GSIs of Color -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This workshop will examine the intersections and dynamics of student, faculty, and GSI identities in classrooms that critically engage issues of race, ethnicity, and inequality. With a particular focus on the experiences of faculty and GSIs of…

Sharing Our Work: Key Insights from Faculty Communities for Inclusive Teaching (strolling lunch & poster session) -
Not eligible for Certificate

Learn about the wide range of projects sponsored by the Faculty Communities for Inclusive Teaching (FCIT) initiative during the 2017-18 academic year. Featured projects, from 10 U-M schools and colleges, include: the development of a tool that…

Using Digital Tools to Facilitate Student Collaboration -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

Please bring a charged device with you if you would like to explore the digital tools discussed during the session.

In this interactive session, participants will learn about and engage with digital tools to…

Implementing Inclusive Teaching Principles in Your Courses *NEW SESSION* -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Each semester, we offer this foundational session as well as workshops on specialized topics in inclusive teaching. This session will be especially useful for faculty and GSIs who are relatively new to thinking deliberately about…

How Stereotype Threat, Impostor Syndrome, and Growth Mindset Affect Student Learning -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Research shows that when students worry about fulfilling a negative stereotype related to certain social identities, it can hurt their learning (a phenomenon known as stereotype threat). Research also shows that an instructor’s beliefs about…

FCI Seminar Series - Modeling Authentic Dialogue in the Classroom -
Not eligible for Certificate

Dr. Laird Kramer is Professor of Physics and Director of the STEM Transformation Institute at Florida International University. A core design element of initiatives at FIU brings the practices of scientists into the classroom to create an…

Implementing Inclusive Teaching Principles in Your Courses *SESSION IS FULL* -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

There will be an identical session offered on 11/1 from 10am-12pm. 

Implementing Inclusive Teaching Principles in Your Courses

Each semester, we offer this foundational session as well as workshops on specialized…

Disability and Accessible Teaching: Current Perspectives and Best Practices *SESSION FULL* -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

There will be an identical session offered on 11/27 from 1:30pm-3:30pm. 

Disability and Accessible Teaching: Current Perspectives and Best Practices

Understanding disability and promoting accessibility are central to diversity,…

Facilitating Discussions of Research Literature in STEM Courses *NEW SESSION* -
Requirement B2


This workshop provides an opportunity for instructors in STEM courses to discuss evidence-based practices that can promote more effective discussions of research literature. Through a series of group-based activities, instructors will…

Leading Discussions in the Social Sciences and Humanities -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2

This introductory workshop provides an opportunity for GSIs in the Social Sciences and Humanities to learn about active learning strategies aimed at improving discussions in the classroom. Through a series of group activities, participants will…

Facilitating Discussions of Research Literature in STEM Courses *SESSION IS FULL* -
Requirement B2

There will be an identical session offered on 10/19 from 9:30am-11:30am. 

Facilitating Discussion of Research Literature in STEM Courses

This workshop provides an opportunity for instructors in STEM courses to discuss evidence-…

Inclusive Teaching with Writing -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

How can you use writing as a tool for inclusive learning, no matter your discipline and the size of your courses? How can you fairly and effectively provide feedback to writers who speak a variety of American dialects and World Englishes? And how…

It’s Time for Action: Generating an Active Learning Plan -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2

Creating a plan to engage students in active learning can be challenging. In this workshop, you will learn about a variety of active learning techniques then begin to formulate a plan for implementing active learning in your own course.

Developing Your Teaching Philosophy [Location: Michigan League Henderson] -
Graduate Students
Not eligible for Certificate
Many academic employers require a teaching philosophy statement as part of the application process. In this interactive session, we will discuss research on hiring committees’ use of teaching philosophy statements, examine sample philosophies,…
Writing a Diversity Statement -
Graduate Students
Not eligible for Certificate

Click here to register for this event.

Increasingly, employers are interested in how prospective employees will contribute to organizational goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion. As a result, many academic employers…

Making Teamwork Work -
Graduate Students
Requirement B2

Effective use of groups in the classroom can increase student learning and enhance students' problem solving abilities, if instructors ensure that all students are engaged and included. In this session, participants will explore research-based…

FCI Seminar Series - Student Commitment to STEM Evidence-based Teaching Practices: Results from Evaluation of the Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching -
Not eligible for Certificate

In this session, Mark Graham, a research scientist at Yale University’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and director of the STEM Program Evaluation and Research Laboratory (STEM-PERL), will present results from the NSF-sponsored…

Consulting with GSIs -
Not eligible for Certificate

This session does NOT count for GSIs looking to make up missed orientation training.

This workshop is intended for GSMs, Faculty GSI Coordinators, or Teaching Consultants. In this interactive workshop, participants will…

Observing Classes and Conducting Midterm Student Feedbacks (MSFs) -
Not eligible for Certificate

This session does NOT count for GSIs looking to make up missed orientation training.

This workshop is designed to give GSMs, GSI Coordinators, and new GSICs a framework for observing their GSIs' classes and collecting…

Developing Your Teaching Philosophy (An Online Workshop) -
Graduate Students
Not eligible for Certificate

Many academic employers require a teaching philosophy statement as part of the application process. In this online workshop, you will learn about research on hiring committees’ use of teaching philosophy statements, examine sample philosophies,…

GSI Teaching Orientation -
Graduate Students
Requirement A

Please note that online registration is now closed. If you missed the deadline, YOU CAN STILL ATTEND by registering at the Power Center on Monday, August 27th starting at 10:00am.

CRLT’s GSI Teaching…

Running Practice Teaching Sessions -
Not eligible for Certificate

This session does NOT count for GSIs looking to make up missed orienation training. This session is intended for individuals who will be facilitating practice teaching sessions at a CRLT or department teaching orientation, as part…

Strategies for Training New GSIs -
Not eligible for Certificate

This session does NOT count for GSIs looking to make up missed orienation training.

This workshop is an introduction to the various strategies that GSMs and GSI Coordinators can use during the training and development of…

Running Practice Teaching Sessions -
Not eligible for Certificate

This session does NOT count for GSIs looking to make up missed orienation training. This session is intended for individuals who will be facilitating practice teaching sessions at a CRLT or department teaching orientation, as part…