Event Dates Short Description
Best Teaching Practices: Perspectives from experienced GSIs.
Requirement B2

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Winter 2012 GSITO
Requirement A

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Engineering Graduate Student Teacher Orientation, Winter 2012 (EGSITO)
Requirement A

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Meg Noori (Director of the UM Comprehensive Studies Program and Lecturer in American Studies) and colleagues -
Not eligible for Certificate

Meg Noori, Director of the UM Comprehensive Studies Program and Lecturer in American Studies, and colleagues. 

Encouraging Success in Summer Bridge Students


Dan Kiskis, Business Systems Analyst Senior, Teaching & Learning, ITS, and colleagues -
Not eligible for Certificate

Developing CTools Academic Analytics: Possibilities and Challenges


Student Learning and Analytics at Michigan - Stephen DesJardins -
Not eligible for Certificate

Stephen DesJardins, U-M Professor of Education, Director of the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education, and colleagues


David Pritchard, MIT Physics and PI of the Relate project -
Not eligible for Certificate

David Pritchard (MIT Physics and PI of the Relate project)

What are students learning, from what activity, and is that OK?


Education Research in the College of Engineering: Who's Doing What?
Requirement B2

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Anne Gere, UM Education and English -
Not eligible for Certificate

Anne Gere - Quantitative Measures of Writing Ability


Using Screencasting Technology to Engage Students and Gauge Their Understanding
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

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CRLT Players: (dis)Ability in the Classroom
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

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John Campbell, Associate Vice President for IT, Purdue University -
Not eligible for Certificate

Signals: A Past, Current, and Future Application of Analytics


Enriching Student Scholarship: Improving Research Assignments and the Sources Students Cite
Requirement B2

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SLAM 9/28/11 - Rebecca Matz and Mark Banaszak Holl, University of Michigan Chemistry -
Not eligible for Certificate

Concurrent Enrollment in Lecture and Laboratory Enhances Student Performance and Retention


Effective Lecturing: Six Steps to Success
Requirement B2

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Reseach-Based Principles for Making Learning Work
Requirement B2

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Facilitating Classroom Discussions in the Social Sciences and the Humanities
Requirement B2

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SLAM 9/14/11 - Tim McKay, UM Physics and the LSA Honors Program -
Not eligible for Certificate

Introducing SLAM and a report on 49,000 Physics Students: Who Does Better Than Expected?


Are They "Getting It"? Low-Stakes Ways to Asses Student Learning
Requirement B2

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Engineering Graduate Student Teacher Orientation, Fall 2011 (EGSITO)
Requirement A

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GSITO Fall 2011
Requirement A

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Public Health 200 GSI Workshop
Requirement B2

imported from FileMaker Pro on 6/7/2013

ELI 994 Summer Course
Requirement A and B1

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Preparing Future Faculty (PFF)
Requirement B1

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Evaluating Web Resources
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

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