Event Dates Short Description
Writing and Grading Multiple Choice Exams -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs, Undergraduate Students
Requirement B2

Session Format: Remote Asynchronous (Canvas)

Intended Audience: Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs, UG Instructional Assistants

Session Abstract: Multiple choice exams can be an…

Promoting Successful Teamwork in STEM Classes -
Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students
Requirement B2

Session Format: Remote synchronous (Zoom)

Intended Audience: Graduate Students, UG Instructional Assistants

Session Abstract: Effective use of teams in a course can increase…

Centering Instructor Identity in the STEM Classroom -
Not eligible for Certificate

Session Format: Remote Synchronous (Zoom)

Intended Audience: Faculty

Session Abstract: In this interactive Zoom workshop, we will talk about how to productively center and…

An Introduction to Equity-Focused Assessment -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Session Format: Remote synchronous (Zoom)

Intended Audience: Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs

Session Abstract: How do we make decisions about assessing…

It's Time for Action: Incorporating Active Learning Techniques in Your STEM Class -
Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students
Requirement B2

Session Format: Remote synchronous (Zoom)

Intended Audience: Graduate Students, UG Instructional Assistants

Session Abstract: Creating a plan to engage students in active learning…

Rubrics: Transparent, Consistent, and Efficient Assessment in Support of Students’ Learning -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs, Undergraduate Students
Requirement B2

Session Format: Remote Asynchronous (Canvas)

Intended Audience: Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs, UG Instructional Assistants

Session Abstract: Rubrics provide a powerful tool…

Exploring Alternative Grading Strategies -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs, Undergraduate Students
Requirement B2

The way that instructors assess student performance has a profound effect on how students experience learning and how instructors spend their time inside and outside of class. In this online synchronous workshop, participants…

Backward Course Design: Designing Your Course with the End in Mind -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs, Everyone
Requirement B2

In this asynchronous 5-day workshop you will learn how to use learning outcomes to drive the design of your course. The Backward Course Design model helps to promote student success and improve the classroom experience for…

Finding the Right Balance: Integrating Pre-Class and In-Class Learning in your Flipped Classroom -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs
Requirement B2

“Flipping” the classroom refers, in general, to a course design whereby learners engage meaningfully with content prior to class and then deepen their learning and understanding during class time, often through extended structured activities. In…

Let's Make A Screencast -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs, Undergraduate Students
Requirement B2, Instructional Technology

Screencasting is a method of capturing both audio and visual information from a computer to make a multimedia presentation that can be easily shared, extending your course content and increasing learner engagement. In this asynchronous 2-…

Deeper Dive Into Trauma-Informed Pedagogy -
Faculty, Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This interactive synchronous session will build on the ET@M workshop “Trauma-Informed Pedagogy” (Wednesday, May 11) and provide participants with interactive space to explore strategies for understanding, recognizing, and responding to the…

Reimagining STEM Education: Shifting Towards Asset-Based Teaching and Learning -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

An asset-based approach to teaching is one that focuses on what students can do rather than areas of weakness. To better support students in STEM, in particular those from non-dominant groups, it is important for instructors to learn how to…

An Introduction to Equity-focused Assessment -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

How do we make decisions about our programs and courses? What information do we use to make these decisions? What assumptions do we make about that information and the ways that information is collected? In this interactive synchronous…

Trauma-Informed Pedagogy -
Faculty, Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

Students and instructors are re-entering learning spaces with individual and collective traumas that impact their capacity to be present and effective in various ways. If we are not mindful of the ways we are responding or not responding to these…

Equity-focused Strategies for Leading a Teaching Team -
Faculty, Graduate Students

Successful teaching happens when all instructors on a team are adequately supported, invited to share their perspective and feedback, and treated as valued colleagues. In this interactive synchronous session, we will reflect upon our own…

Introduction to Equity-focused Teaching -
Faculty, Graduate Students
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

How can instructors deliberately cultivate learning environments (F2F and remote) where all students are valued, respected, and supported in their learning? This interactive synchronous session will introduce participants to CRLT’s research-based…

Lessons Learned From Winners of the 2022 Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize -

James Hilton, Vice Provost for Academic Innovation - In this session, each of the five winners of the 2022 Provost’s Teaching Innovation Prize (TIP) will briefly explain a challenge that their innovation addresses, how they implemented their…

How Do We Begin: A Historical Reckoning with Anti-Black Racism at U-M -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs
Not eligible for Certificate

Written by guest playwright and U-M alum Jordan Harris, this short series of plays illuminates U-M’s complicated relationship to elitism and racial inequity. Using Matthew Johnson’s book Undermining Racial Justice (a historical analysis…

Finding the Right Balance: Integrating Pre-Class and In-Class Learning in your Flipped Classroom -

“Flipping” the classroom refers, in general, to a course design whereby learners engage meaningfully with content prior to class and then deepen their learning and understanding during class time, often through extended structured activities. In…

What's Culture Got To Do With It?: The Role of Faculty in Engineering Equity -
Not eligible for Certificate

Engineering is frequently taught without considering students’ cultural realities, which can limit their ability to make connections to engineering content and their lived experiences. But before we can leverage students’ cultural knowledge in…

Reimagining STEM Education: Shifting Towards Anti-Deficit Teaching and Learning -
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

An asset-based approach to teaching is one that focuses on what students can do rather than areas of weakness. To better support students in STEM, in particular those from non-dominant groups, it is important for instructors to learn how to…

Equity-focused Strategies for Graduate Students Leading a GSI Team -
Graduate Students
Not eligible for Certificate

Successful team teaching happens when all instructors are adequately supported, invited to share their perspective and feedback, and treated as valued colleagues. In this interactive synchronous session, we will introduce…

Exploring Alternative Grading Strategies -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs, Undergraduate Students
Requirement B2

The way that instructors assess student performance has a profound effect on how students experience learning and how instructors spend their limited resources of time and energy. In this interactive synchronous workshop,…

Deeper Dive into Trauma-Informed Pedagogy and Healing-Centered Engagement -
Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs
Requirement B2, Diversity and Inclusive Teaching

This interactive synchronous session will build on the CRLT workshop “Trauma-Informed Pedagogy and Healing-Centered Engagement” and provide participants with interactive space to explore strategies for understanding, recognizing…

Getting Started on Your Teaching Philosophy Statement -
Graduate Students, Postdocs
Not eligible for Certificate

Many academic employers require a teaching philosophy statement as part of the application process. In this asynchronous 2-week workshop, you will learn about research on hiring committees' use of teaching philosophy statements,…